Why the Obsession With Market Share?

It’s been a busy summer. Since my last GearHead column in June, Steve “Surprises Every 90 Days” Jobs has shown us the iBook, Mac OS 9, and the new Power Mac G4s. They all look pretty cool — but of course, as I write this, no mere mortals actually have any of them in their hands, so we’ll have to take Steve’s word that they actually are cool, for now.

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Babes In Boyland Sept.

It’s probably a little late for me to be sticking my two cents in about the iBook, but they don’t call me “Last Minute Lock” for nothing. I’m so far behind I still haven’t seen “Forrest Gump” or “Titanic,” and I consider my rebuilt 7200 as state-of-the-art.

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Why Too Kay?

The year 2000 computer bug. Commonly referred to as Y2K, the year 2000 problem, the millennium bug or just plain ol’ Oops! We all

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Book Bytes – MyMac Magazine #53

Hewlett-Packard Official Printer Handbook by Mark L. Chambers IDG Books Worldwide ISBN 0-7645-3289-8, 377 pages $19.99 U.S., $29.99 Canada, £18.99 U.K. The funny thing

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