All I Want is a Little Space of My Own

Drawing me in…sucking me in…little by little…day by day, you, my darling iBook, are a harsh master. Demanding and jealous, you want all my attention, continuously. It’s as if I no longer have a life of my own.

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Book Bytes – MyMac Magazine #61

MP3, The Definitive Guide: Mastering the MP3 Audio Experience by Scot Hacker O’Reilly & Associates ISBN 1-56592-661-7, 339 pages $29.95 US, $43.95

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Sweet Nostalgia

I’m sitting here surrounded by half-packed boxes planning what I’ll take in my truck to the new house tomorrow. The computers and the booze, definitely. Everything else is somewhat incidental to my life. I’ll drain the waterbed tomorrow. I won’t mind sleeping on the couch for a few days.

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The Apple Report Card

The Apple Report Card In the February 1999 Mac Factor I suggested ten positive steps Apple could take to solidify support, improve sales, and

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Book Bytes – MyMac Magazine #60

Macworld Mac OS 9 Bible by Lon Poole and Todd Stauffer IDG Books Worldwide ISBN 0-7645-3414-9, 899 pages $39.99 U.S., $59.99 Canada,

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