Day 1 – Adobe Creative Suite 3 (Web Premium)

Adobe was kind enough to ship out not one, but two copies of the new Creative Suite 3, which arrived today. The two copies are the Web Premium and the Design Premium. I have decided to install the Web Premium on my Macbook Pro, while the Design Premium will go on the PowerMac G5. Let’s see how it goes…

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The Complete Chris Seibold Collection

There was a time, not long ago, that Chris Seibold was known for his cartoon work as well as his writing. Where, or where, has the funny gone, Chris? Presented here for the first time is the complete collection (downloadable in PDF format) ebook of all his work. It’s free, it’s funny, and it is worth the download! Click here to download. (6.8MB – 142 pages)

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London MacExpo 2006 report

The closing days of October 2006 bring about the time for London’s MacExpo 2006, held at the Olympia exhibition hall in Kensington. A report from’s own David Cohen from the event.

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Marware Protection Pack for MacBook

The Marware Protection Pack consists of a PVC leather cushioned hand rest and a soft microfiber keyboard cover and retails for around 20 bucks. Marware offers the Protection Pack for the iBook, Powerbook, MacBook (in both black and white), and MacBook Pro.

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MyMac Widget

Who can create a widget in record time, not knowing when he started how to do it? Donny, that’s who!

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MyMac Podcast

Weekly podcast by Chad and Tim. This week, we announce the Macromedia Studio 8 contest winner, conduct an interview with Don Mayer, CEO of Small Dog Electronics, and listens to David Cohen about the Apple shipping problems to the U.K.

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Links from Derek K. Miller feedback
Nice links from OSXFAQ, Adam Curry, and Speed Freak

New sources

Send all feedback to

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Sneak Peek – Photoshop CS2 for Dummies

The first of our free book content, we present a few pages from the latest Adobe Photoshop CS2 for Dummies book by Pete Bauer. This sneak peek looks at THE new feature of Photoshop CS2, Vanishing Point. If you like what you see, be sure to follow the Amazon link and buy a copy yourself.

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Where Have All the Epsons Gone?

Apple retail stores no longer sell or promote Epson printers, from my personal observation. Instead, HP and Canon are stocked. This change took place in May, I think, and was a wise, quiet decision by Apple. Read the article HERE.

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Problem Solving Guy #3 – iPod and iTunes Music Collection

Nemo asks, and Guy answers, this time with personal insights into getting the best audio quality from your iPod and iTunes music collection — in the car, in the house, and wherever else your songs may reside.

Here is the third installment in our irregular, irreverent, idiosyncratic series of “Help me, Guy!” collaborations between John “Nemo” Nemerovski and Guy “Problem Solving Guy” Serle.

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eMedia Rock Guitar Method

Rock Guitar Method is N-O-T a crash course for every kid who watched “School of Rock” and wants to play like Jack Black. You’ll need patience and practice practice practice to become a decent musician. Consider this CD tutorial a worthy enhancement to lessons from a professional instructor.

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A Decade of – 1995 – 2005 Part 1

During the New Years celebration, many people reflect in the year past, and look ahead to the coming year with hope of a better future. 2005 will mark ten years for me as publisher of, and as such I will spend a few moments during the coming year to look back at the history of this site and the digital magazine that preceded it. In this first column, I look back to where it all started, 1995.

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Weekend Archive – Alan Dingman Artwork

Do you know what you were doing in May 1997? I do, I was admiring this new cover for our twenty-fifth issue of My Mac Magazine, the downloadable edition. This cover was created by Alan Dingman, a friend of then regular cover artist Mike Gorman. Alan actually did two covers for us, the other I will post soon.

You can view more of Alan’s work at, which includes his work for a Steven King book as well. (Who ever Steven King is…)

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Of Mac and Mini

Cheaper than any Apple II, more powerful than a Pentium, bundled with iLife, able to avoid most viruses in a singe bound — look on the desk, it’s a white coaster, it’s a squashed cube, no it’s mini-Mac — er Mac mini.

David K Every returns to the Mac web!

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The RePorter

Do you find yourself constantly reaching around the back of your G5 to plug and unplug USB cables? Firewire? Audio in or out? Do you wish there were more ports in front of your computer, or at least extensions to the ports on the back? If so, then Marathon Computer’s new RePorter may be your answer.

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