Vimtag P1 Series Smart Cloud IP Camera – Review

Vimtag Smart Camera P1 Series is a 720P smart cloud camera with remote control and two-way audio for home security and monitoring. The camera can connect to WiFi directly without using a computer. It provides audio video application services which include real-time monitoring and recording storage meeting the consumer needs for monitoring elder, babies, pets and home security. The easy installation taking only minutes to complete and provided high definition video via tablet, smartphone, or computer from anywhere.

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Travel Tips for Techies (And Everyone Else) – Nemo Memo

I just returned from my fourth weekend trip taken during the past two months. Two journeys were by car and two were by airplane. I live in Tucson in southern Arizona. One trip each was to Nevada and northern Arizona, and two were to Marin County, north of San Francisco, California. The California flights were for family occasions, and both Nevada and northern Arizona were for sightseeing. Only the Arizona trip included other people: daughter and son-in-law. We took our small family dog with us on the sightseeing trips and also on the first California flights.

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MindShift UltraLight Dual 36L Multipurpose Camera Backpack – Review

This unusual medium-size daypack from MindShift Gear has a split personality. The included removable dedicated camera and lens with strap insert is large enough to carry a jumbo six-pack of your favorite beverage plus cold block and a few sandwiches when it’s not being used to hold your photo gear. You can use it separately or stow in in the bottom half of the UltraLight Dual 36L, with access to the insert from a side zipper. A folding trap door panel divides the interior of the main pack into two compartments, whether or not the camera/drink insert is in place.

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Adorama Camera 24/7 Messenger Bag – Review


The 24/7 Traffic Collection is a line of similar-styled satchels and pouches sold exclusively through Adorama Camera. The urban-designed collection includes several holster pouches as well as a few over-the-shoulder bags. I got my hands on their larger 24/7 Messenger Bag, which is not a camera bag per se, but it can carry your camera, some ancillary gear, plus other stuff.

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