MindShift UltraLight Dual 36L Multipurpose Camera Backpack – Review

This unusual medium-size daypack from MindShift Gear has a split personality. The included removable dedicated camera and lens with strap insert is large enough to carry a jumbo six-pack of your favorite beverage plus cold block and a few sandwiches when it’s not being used to hold your photo gear. You can use it separately or stow in in the bottom half of the UltraLight Dual 36L, with access to the insert from a side zipper. A folding trap door panel divides the interior of the main pack into two compartments, whether or not the camera/drink insert is in place.

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Adorama Camera 24/7 Messenger Bag – Review


The 24/7 Traffic Collection is a line of similar-styled satchels and pouches sold exclusively through Adorama Camera. The urban-designed collection includes several holster pouches as well as a few over-the-shoulder bags. I got my hands on their larger 24/7 Messenger Bag, which is not a camera bag per se, but it can carry your camera, some ancillary gear, plus other stuff.

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Tenba Cooper DSLR 13 Messenger-style Camera Bag – Review


When I first opened the box with the Tenba Cooper 13 DSLR inside, I knew I was in for something special. The bag itself came wrapped inside another bag! Very classy. Once I removed the Cooper and felt its fabric between my fingers, my first thought was this is going to be a great case to carry around. It’s a handsome slate grey on the outside, lined with a nylon interior. I’d consider the Cooper a messenger-style bag, and it also looks like a typical day-to-day bag.

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MindShift Gear rotation180° Horizon backpack (charcoal color) – Expert User Report Review

Every professional and serious amateur photographer loves bags. We do because theyre an essential part of our kit. Im betting that you have a closet full of camera bags. Just like lenses, different camera bags serve different functions. You probably have one just for event shooting, one for corporate gigs, one for hiking. Am I right?

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ThinkTank Photo Trifecta 10 DSLR Backpack – Review

Every ThinkTank Photo pack I’ve looked at in the past has been remarkable for attention to design, function and workmanship. The Trifecta 10 is no exception. This backpack is designed with serious amateur photographers and professionals in mind. It’s sleek and it’s sturdy. I make no apologies for my loyalty to the ThinkTank brand. They make good stuff.

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iKlip Grip from IK Multimedia – multi function iPhone/iPod stand

I nominate iKlip Grip from IK Multimedia for Most Innovative and Versatile iPhone/iPod Accessory of 2015. iKlip Grip is four products in one package at a reasonable price: table top tripod, selfie stick, extension handle, and tripod adapter, in order of probable usage. As a bonus, a Bluetooth remote control shutter release is provided.

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OWC Thunderbolt 2 Dock – Review

Thunderbolt is probably the most interesting technology that came to our Macintoshes in recent years. Since I bought a 15″ MacBook Pro with retina display, I have been following the market for Thunderbolt docks. In the first years, they were slow to come to market. Then, with Thunderbolt 2 released, they removed some ports. OWC has a new accessory that has Thunderbolt 2 connectivity with a FireWire port: the OWC Thunderbolt 2 Dock.

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ThinkTank Airport International LE Classic Pro Roller – Review

When shopping for a camera bag, it’s important to give some thought to how you’ll use it. Just as you don’t need a $5,000 Nikon DSLR to take good pictures of your nephew’s birthday party, neither do you need a $400 rolling camera suitcase if you’re just traveling short distances and not carrying a pile of gear.

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Domke Chronicle Camera Bag – Review

The Domke Chronicle is a rectangular camera bag made of heavy duty canvas. It comes with three detachable inserts than can be configured in a number of ways to accommodate a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera (DSLR) and a couple of lenses. It also has four expandable pockets, two on the sides and two under the front flap, as well as a smaller storage pocket inside the main compartment, suitable for SD cards or filters. There’s a zippered pocket behind the front compartment for an iPad or other tablet.

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Thule Perspektiv Messenger Camera Bag – Review

The Thule Perspektiv Messenger Bag is a tote suitable for your daily commute or a weekend overnighter. Persketiv becomes more than a mere tote or duffle when you unzip its cover and realize there’s a well-padded removable compartment inside that can accommodate a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera with a 70-200mm lens and battery grip attached. In addition, there’s a separate padded compartment for a 15-inch MacBook Pro, as well as an abundance of small zippered compartments suitable for SD cards, extra batteries, filters, and other small objects.

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