Take Control of Buying a Mac – Review

Engst will be well known to Mac users as one of the authors of the popular TidBits mailing list. But he’s also an author of electronic books sold under the ‘Take Control’ banner. One of his most recent efforts is a book on buying a new Macintosh. As someone who’d written a similar book a few years back on buying a used Mac, this was a topic that immediately caught my attention.

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Review – mStand

Using your MacBook or MacBook Pro and getting tired because it’s sitting on your desk and it just doesn’t feel right? Check out Rain Design’s mStand for laptops with Russ….

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From Canon XSi to Photoshop CS3 Accelerated – Three Book Reviews

It’s difficult for a mere book reviewer like myself to understand how publishers and book writers can keep up with the frequent updates in digital software and hardware. Just when you purchase a Canon camera or the latest update of Photoshop, new versions of these products come out in less than a year’s time. It seems like writers and publishers have to scramble to keep up with the ever expanding technology. But somehow they get the job done, and in most cases very well.

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MyMac Book Bytes interview with JOHN TOLLETTT

Cool Mac Apps is the best book for understanding how to use the creativity and productivity software that Apple includes on all Macs: iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, iTunes, Mail, Address Book, iChat, Bonjour, Safari, iCal, Dashboard, Photo Booth, and Time Machine. In one substantial, affordable volume, readers learn what’s what, so they can fully use as many of these fine applications as they want or need to. We also interview John Tollett about the book.

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Fashioning Technology: A DIY Intro to Smart Crafting – Book Review

Crafting has been a part of my life since the first "paint by numbers" kit I got for Christmas when I was a kid. There was a time in my mid twenties when I was hooked on assembling Radio Shack kits. I’ve embroidered, knitted, crocheted, beaded, and made doilies and jellies and jams. Naturally I was drawn to this title, wanting to see what the future of crafting is all about.

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The Ultimate HTML Reference – Book Review

This book replaced Taylor’s Creating Cool HTML 4 Web Pages book as my primary HTML reference at home and at the office. It’s well worth the 45 dollar price-tag. I can only find fault with the fact that it doesn’t have enough chunks of sample HTML and illustrations of how the HTML will render.

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First Book Shoot-out
Missing Manual vs. My New Mac

Recommending a good book for newcomers to the Mac platform is always tricky. You want to recommend something that doesn’t just cover all the basics but also has some depth as well. A book that only covers the simplest aspects of the Mac interface like how to copy files or connect to the Internet will quickly become obsolete as the user’s skills increase. So the best sort of beginner’s book is one that doesn’t just cover the interface and the operating system but also explains how to use the supplied programs to complete a variety of different projects.

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Light & Exposure for Digital Photographers

What is traditionally called point-and-shoot cameras are extremely popular, and affordable and for the most part they produce really good photos. But if you’re serious about photography, at some point you’ll have to get beyond the automatic exposure settings of your camera and learn about the marriage between light and exposure and how to use the features of your camera to make that marriage work.

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Running Windows on your Mac
Book Review

As a long time Mac user, the decision to install Windows on my new Intel based iMac was one of the scariest I’ve ever had to make. I used Dwight Silverman’s book Running Windows on your Mac to make the installation and set up, while not quite a breeze, (it is Windows after all), at least bearable.

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iPod Repair QuickSteps

With the inexorable drops in price for all iPod models, they’ve certainly become ubiquitous. But have they become disposable? What if the battery gives out? What if it won’t start up? Toss it, or fix it? Jones and Campbell may have the answer. iPod Repair QuickSteps is a wide-format book of text and photos that leads you through most any iPod repair.

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The Macintosh iLife 08

One thing is certain about Apple: each revision of their iApps (iPhoto, iTunes, iMovie, iDVD, and GarageBand) brings new features and new frustrations. It’s also a certainty that author Jim Heid will write a new edition of The Macintosh iLife to help Mac users learn what’s new with the iApps, ho

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