Composition – From Snapshots to Great Shots – Book Review

This is an odd “how to” book that purports to teach the amateur photographer the skill of arranging shapes and elements in a scene to create better pictures. The book is a collection of essays by wildlife photographer Laurie Excell and four other professional photographers. Based on the mission described in the introduction and the level of information in subsequent chapters, the book is clearly aimed at the amateur or hobbyist. What makes it odd is that it seems to quickly lose sight of its intended audience.

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Peterson Birds of North America for iPad – Review

True to the form of the paper version of the book, the iPad version of the Peterson Birds of North America is filled with rich illustrations and a wealth of information about birds that live throughout the continental U.S. Anyone who loves bird watching will definitely want to add this app to their library.

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LNG cover

Logic Notation Guide – Book Review

The LNG is a comb-bound softcover book with over 200 pages of closely-packed (yet never unreadable) guidance on making the most of Logic’s Score Editor. Strictly-speaking, its substance, examples and concepts apply to the last major version of the software, Logic 8.

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Two Photoshop CS5 Books – Book Review

Scott has been writing Photoshop and other software books for twelve years. He is the President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), Editor-in-Chief of Photoshop User Magazine and Layers Magazine and the President of Kelby Media Group. His writing is, aside from the occasional corny pun, well-written and organized.

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Strobist:Photo Trade Secrets – Book Review

The simple premise of Strobist is Learn How to Light. There is a Lighting 101 primer for anyone having questions on how to use strobes, off camera flash, and different lighting set-ups. The blog is a plethora of lighting information from many contributions of professional photographers. Zeke Kamm is a photographer and the Editor of Nice Photography Magazine and Trade Secret Cards. He has selected 25 images from contributors of that are tear-out mini lessons on the art of portrait lighting.

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iPhone 4 The Missing Manual Fourth Edition

Pogue’s iPhone The Missing Manual Fourth edition will answer virtually every question most users will have about the iPhone, thus eliminating both the known unknowns (how do I set up my email) as well as the unknown ones (I didn’t even know the iPhone had voice control for dialing and iPod!).

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Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS5
Book Review

The book Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS5 is described by the author as a book for people who are beginner Photoshop CS5 users, and need a global understanding of the software. As written in the introduction, many Photoshop books are geared towards really basic Photoshop introduction, specific features (such as layers or working with image modes), or new features only. This book is billed as a learning tool for beginners, but it will get you to almost every aspect you need to understand for using Photoshop CS5.

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Cloud Computing Bible – Book Review

If you’re looking for a book that explains how to use some of the cloud services mentioned above, stop here. This is not a how-to book on specific applications or services. If, however, you’re looking to create a cloud-based service, whether for public consumption or your own private company, then continue reading.

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Five-Star Apps – Book Review

The book can be read sequentially or by section. Each app has icons next to it designating compatibility with iPhone, iPad, and/or iPod touch. At the bottom of each page is an extra tip on how to use the app shown on a given page, or a link to a web site that gives more information.

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Resources for Apple Logic 9 Review

The advantage of (on-line and DVD) video tutorials, such as the series (“Logic Pro 9 Essential Training”) at (membership required) and Logic 9 Explained (see below) is that you can see what’s supposed to happen as you follow along ‘” in real time if you like, with Logic running. The advantage of a book is that you have hard copy with an index for safe-keeping indefinitely. Each has its merits.

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Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 3 – Book Review

If you check out Stephen Laskevitch online you will find that he has been teaching his subject for many years and cofounded Luminous Works, a training and consulting company in Seattle, WA. It would be a surprise if such background did not directly influence the structure of his book

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HTML, XHTML & CSS All-In-One for Dummies

It seems like almost everyone has some sort of web presence. Maybe it’s a blog that’s used to keep in touch with family and friends around the globe. For others, it could be a site that shares their hobby with like-minded people. The web pages most of us are used to seeing are for businesses: from the small, independent craftsman to the Internet giants like Apple and Amazon.

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Adobe Photoshop CS5 Learn by Video

Like many Photoshop users I upgrade to the current version when the need for the newest features becomes too tempting to ignore. The latest version of Adobe Photoshop is CS5. A bevy of extraordinary new improvements such as Content-Aware Fill, Camera Raw 6, Brushes, Puppet Warp, Refine Edge Dialog, amongst others, make this application a creative and more efficient way to process workflow.

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iPhone 4 Portable Genius – Review

When one purchases a new iPhone, there are always those questions that begin to pop up in one’s mind; like how do I do this or that, is it just like the iPhone 3, is it better than my previous phone? That’s when the poser of the questions needs to consider bringing in an outside source of information to answer those question, like iPhone 4 Portable Genius.

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Review-Social Media Marketing All-In-One For Dummies

Almost everyone is now active in the social media arena. Who doesn’t have a Facebook page to keep in touch with family and friends? How often are you making your thoughts known 140 characters at a time on Twitter? Do you listen to podcasts on your favorite topics during your daily commute? Facebook, Twitter and podcasts are all forms of social media, but can they also be used for social media marketing?

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