Take Control of Your 802.11n Airport Network – Book Review

In Take Control of Your 802.11n Airport Network, networking guru, Glenn Fleishman, provides advice on setting up wireless networks using Apple Airport Extreme and Time Capsule base stations. This second edition update includes support for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, Windows 7, and iOS devices. As the title suggests, the focus of the book is on the 802.11n standard but the author does provide techniques to address those users still attached to 802.11g gear.

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Sibelius 7

Sibelius 7 – Review

When Sibelius 7 was released recently, its appearance was sufficiently different from that of Sibelius 6 to have thrown some (long-time) users. Avid was criticized on those listservs and forums which do such a sterling job of supporting Sibelius owners and prospective owners. Since so many creative professionals and enthusiasts have so much invested in a piece of software which they use for extended periods each day and to the ways of which their muscle memories had become fully used, change seemed particularly hard.

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The Mac OS X 10.7 Lion PocketGuide

When reviewing these books I tend to look for what has been omitted. In this case every aspect of the new Mac OS X Lion operating system was looked at, in as fine detail as a pocket guide format will allow. Networking, backup, and security are areas that are often overlooked in similar books. In this case the information provided is extremely detailed.

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Five iPad and iPad 2 Books from Wiley – Book Review

All five of these how-to books from Wiley Publishing cover the iPad and iPad 2. The information presented does not vary much from one book to another, but the writing styles and book designs do. iPad2 Fully Loaded by Alan Hess was my favorite in this batch because of the clear, straightforward language, the compact design, the helpful boxed tips liberally scattered throughout the book, and a comprehensive index.

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Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One
Book Review

Many aspects of the tools in Photoshop CS5 are presented in the book. Making selections, an important part of the Photoshop workflow, takes an entire chapter. Almost at the end, a tutorial shows how to make a complex selection using the Channels from the picture.

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The Book of Audacity – Review

Like most how-to books, The Book of Audacity doesn’t need to be read in order. Jump around and read what looks interesting. For me, Chapter Three: Transferring Vinyl LPs (and Other Legacy Media) to CD, and Chapter Seven: Creating Podcasts, in addition to Chapter One: Audacity from Start to Finish, are alone worth the price of the book.

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