PlusUS LifeCard slim portable battery – Review

The LifeCard is a slim, stainless steel power supply that will recharge most of a Smart Phone’s battery quickly. It’s thicker and heavier than a credit card, contrary to what the advertising says. It is skinny and will indeed fit in a wallet but it’s not as unobtrusive as an ordinary credit card. Considering the price, it’s also light on capacity.

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LAUT Power Dash 6.6 automobile 3-port USB charger – Mini Review

The LAUT Power Dash 6.6 is a 3-port USB charger that plugs into a car’s 12 volt accessory lighter receptacle to charge or revive cell phones, tablets and other iOS devices. Because of its 6.6. amp output, far stronger than my other portable power devices, it recharges the batteries in mobile devices quickly and effortlessly. As soon as the charger is plugged in, a blue light appears to indicate that charging is activated.

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House of Marley – Rebel BT On-Ear Headphones EM-JH101-BK – Review

The Rebel Bluetooth Headphones allow you to listen to music from a mobile device wirelessly. The audio quality is not perfect but it is resonant and clear. My guess is that most consumers will find the sound perfectly acceptable. The middle range and bass are warm and luxurious, a real treat in a $70 set of BT over the ear headphones.

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Kensington SureTrack Bluetooth Mouse – Review

All mice are not created equal. Some are flimsy, some don’t track very well, and others require a dongle in one of your USB ports. Then there are those made of such cheap plastic that one swat of your cat’s tail and mousey commits suicide on your office floor. The hinge on my last mouse’s battery compartment fell apart and I got tired of holding the batteries in place with tape.

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