Back again, after a long absence (“OH, NO!”). Oh yes.
Sitting here wiping gnats from my eyes and loving the ol’ B&W G3 Señor Martellaro donated to my most deserving self. It actually runs Panther, so I’m up to — whoops, almost said “speed” — with the most advanced operating system in the world. This box is drop-dead reliable, and I snagged a matching Apple display from eBay, so I’m doing all right. The G5 will come later, when I’ve made some progress toward paying off my Invisible Toyota. Think about it a minute, it’ll come to you. Anyway, I’m still kicking, which is more than I can say for my mother-in-law, who’s now relegated to hospice “comfort care” on the banks of the Mississippi in NE Iowa …
I’ll be posting more goodies here at, which was always my intention before cascading disasters, adventures, and assorted hoo-raw got in the way (“Who IS this guy?!”). I’m still living in a rented adobe on the edge of real wilderness just south of Taos, NM, pimping the writing for all I’m worth and actually building Web sites for people who have no 14-year-old nephews or nieces to do it for them. I have a 17-year-old truck, a dialup connection, no health insurance, and a beautiful woman who’s loved me for 27 years. She’s actually HERE right now, visiting from Iowa, and if you’re quick you can catch her picture at navigate backwards with the appropriate link if necessary).
In case you don’t know, I used to work for AppleFinks and got canned after years of dedicated service because I told the truth about Apple one day and somebody in Cupertino growled at the publisher. If the truth be told, I was also getting rather expensive by Mac site standards [extended coughing fit and snorting of coffee through nose], and I think he was just waiting for me to step on a mine. Who knows. Anyway, it was probably the best thing to ever happen to me, short of being born, marrying the love of my life, and giving up a cushy lifestyle most guys would bleeping DIE for to move out to northern New Mexico and blow up my life. I continue to write a weekly Web column called “GRACK!” that’s accessible from here, I’m getting some Web work, I’m healthy, and see as usual that I spend much too much time talking about myself. Well, them’s the breaks.
I have quite a tale to tell about the trials and tribulations of updating to an OS X-compatible version of Salon Blogs Radio Userland blogware (bloody nincompoop engineers), but that will have to wait for my next post. Don’t get me started, or maybe you should. And BTW, I just spiffed up the blog there: FarrFeed is personal, political, occasionally puerile, and obscene. I can write there like most of us talk when we’re in the garage and just ripped a thumbnail off when the wrench slipped.
The last couple GRACK!s were pretty good, and there are always photos there you won’t believe, like this one:

I mean, really. How can anyone NOT blow up his life to see this stuff every day? Okay, don’t answer that. You have more sense, I know. But some of us have to do this, and I did.
Rising cliché-like from a pile of burned feathers, I rant anew, so stay tuned. MyMac is one heck of a cool place
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