Captured: Lessons from Behind the Lens of a Legendary Wildlife Photographer – Book Review

Captured: Lessons from Behind the Lens of a Legendary Wildlife Photographer
by Moose Peterson
Peachpit Press
ISBN: 9780321720597
Price: $54.99 US $65.99 CN

Moose Peterson is an acclaimed photographer who has devoted the past thirty years to honing the craft of wildlife photography. His primary focus is photographing endangered wildlife and North American wilderness. Moose (yes,that’s his real name) writes this hefty 396 page book in an easy-to-digest conversational style. He is a Nikon Legend Behind the Lens photographer, so the focus is on Nikon camera and lens information. The detailed digital camera knowledge he shares about his photographs can be applicable to any high-end DSLR. Many of the close-up wildlife shots are made using 200mm to 600mm lenses and most camera manufacturers have their own equivalent.

The wildlife photographs in this book are beautiful and numerous. I found the chapter layout to be non-descriptive; chapters that are titled “And That’s How You Do It” or “Hold On To Your Pants” may be humorous but for quick reference quite ineffective. The font is small and the book reads more like a novel about the author’s adventures in the wild. These experiences are captivating but this book is not for photographers who expect an organized instruction manual. Moose does share a lot of tips, equipment, and wildlife knowledge but the reader needs to read the book in its entirety to grasp the full focus of the challenges of wildlife photography. There are several helpful appendices at the back of the book that include the author’s camera bag and gear, his camera cleaning kit and maintenance, his Nikon D3 settings, and lighting situations.

I did learn some helpful hints about shooting wildlife but I don’t think I will be purchasing a 600mm lens soon.Though the author’s escapades make for a good read, this is a niche photography topic. For the intermediate and advanced wildlife photographer this book Captured: Lessons from Behind the Lens of a Legendary Wildlife Photographer will definitely have a place on the shelf.

MyMac ReviewRating: 5 out of 10

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