Canon customer service Part 2

So continuing on from my last entry-

The printhead sent to me for the new printer came in a day and did not solve the problem. It only worked after I activated it in the second mini260- or so I thought.

I decided to call Canon and make sure more trouble wasn’t at work. Turns out it was.

Once again, I was connected to a rep in less then one minute. I explained the situation to him, and he told me the new printer was not sucking ink through the nozzle. The Printhead was actual mainting ink from the other printer. I had to options: 1. Visit a service center or 2. Have a refurbished unit sent out with a label to return this one.

I chose the second option.

I also mentioned to the rep that I used the entire ink cartridge trying to get the printer to work. He said that was not a problem, and he’d send some extra ink with the printer!

WOW! I was impressed. Keep in mind, this printer was a gift and I have no proof of purchase. Just a serial number. It is also “last year’s model” and not sold anymore.

Resolution in less than a five minute call, and hardly any time on hold.

Did I meniton this all happened yesterday and the replacement unit is scheduled to arrive TODAY?

Keep up the great work, Canon!

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