Take Control of Booking a Cheap Airline Ticket
by Sam Sellers
Take Control Books
152 pages PDF download
$10 US
Sam Sellers is out to help you. Even if you’re an old hand at booking your own flights, this Take Control ebook will provide even the most seasoned traveler with a helpful hint or two.
The thing I love about ebooks is the ability to link, and Sam does this admirably. Just the glossary of terms alone can open up your travel world and help you speak the language, furthering your understanding of how deep and wide the airline industry is when it comes to booking a cheap seat.
Sam explains some of the twisted scheduling puzzles, in a way that readers can see, in real world terms, how it relates to them. Take Control of Booking a Cheap Airline Ticket is laid out in a straightforward and common sense approach.
The author then proceeds to hold your hand through whatever processes you choose as you become more familiar with new possibilities. He even includes valuable tips about renting cars and booking hotel rooms.
Don’t sell this book short. For the price of a beer at your local fern bar you can have a manual which can ultimately save you many times its price by simply alerting you to the pitfalls to which all of us, at one time or another, have fallen victim. And if you are not a seasoned traveler this book is a must. I especially recommend this title to the college crowd who may be on a budget and have to navigate tight, and sometimes unpredictable schedules in order to get back to mom and dad for a little turkey on Thanksgiving, or meeting the family in Cleveland to attend Cousin Ira’s Bar Mitzvah.
Kudos to young author Sam Sellers, a high school student with a love of geography and fiscal responsiblity. It’s a winner, Sam.
Rating: 5 out of 5
Review by Artie Alinikoff
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