Brief Leopard Impressions

Find the earlier post to see how I installed Leopard, and be sure you don’t do it the way I did! That said, it works great, and I love it.

The Dock: the 3-D Dock is a masterpiece. Whoever thought it needed to be made 2-D and opaque again needs to be taken out and beaten silly with an old pillow. And what’s with the beef about not seeing the little blue “lights” that indicate a running app? I see them just fine. Can’t speak for anyone who may be color-blind, but the little blue dots are plenty visible.

Translucent drop-down menus: I didn’t like them at first, but after 10 minutes, who cares? Having the translucency throughout the UI is good design, IMHO.

Speed: This thing is WAY faster than Tiger on my MacBook. No doubt the 7200 rpm hard drive helps, however. 🙂 Safari is definitely faster, although navigating among tabbed windows seems a bit slower. Strange.

That’s it. I haven’t begun to try all the new features yet.

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