In a special BONUS capsule-comments section this issue, Book Bytes is pleased to offer eight new œupdaters or revised editions of titles previously covered in earlier reviews. Readers are encouraged to visit the Book Bytes archives at , where we have longer reviews of preceding versions of many of the following books:
Photoshop 5 and 5.5 Artistry:
A Master Class for Photographers,
Artists, and Production Artists
by Barry Haynes and Wendy Crumpler
New Riders Press
ISBN 0-7357-0994-7, 408 pages plus CD
$55.00 U.S., $81.25 Canada, £42.95 U.K.
Let me count the ways in which this amazing title impresses me with every turn of the page, from background material to œHands-On Session. The previous version was a Book Bytes Award winner, and this update is another strong contender. If you are serious about being the best possible Photoshopper, stop whatever you are doing this moment and buy this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED book. It is sensational.
Barry Hayes also wants our readers to know:
Please mention that Photoshop 5 Artistry readers can get the 5.5 upgrade to the book as a free PDF download from or
Thanks, Barry! What a very nice thing to do!
MacMice Rating: 5
How to Do Everything with Your iMac, 2nd Edition
by Todd Stauffer
Osborne / McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-212406-4, 634 pages
$24.99 U.S.
It™s back, it™s thick and heavy, and it™s fabulous. Powerhouse author Todd Stauffer has a triple-whammy this month, and deserves all the praise we can muster. Aimed at the entire range of iMac Users, How to Do Everything with Your iMac will be appreciated best by intermediate-level Mac persons who can use some assistance to become true iMac geniuses. My advice is to buy this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED book, read every page, do all the projects, and consider yourself a graduate of iMac University.
MacMice Rating: 5
FileMaker Pro 5 Bible
by Steven A. Schwartz
IDG Books Worldwide
ISBN 0-7645-3406-8, 749 pages plus CD
$39.99 U.S., $59.99 Canada, £36.99 U.K.
Manavesh (Fenton Jones, our FileMaker guru) is covering this tremendous book in detail in his monthly column, but I must add a Book Bytes bravo to his remarks. Author Schwartz chooses his subjects carefully, and delivers in-depth tutorials which will make you lose track of time as you gain control of your FileMaker Pro projects. The attention to detail is this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED book is remarkable. If you don™t live next door to Manavesh, buy the new FileMaker Pro 5 Bible.
MacMice Rating: 5
The iMac for Dummies, 2nd Edition
by David Pogue
Dummies Press
ISBN 0-7645-0648-X, 406 pages
$19.99 U.S., $29.99 Canada, £18.99 U.K.
This one is easy: the first edition was great, and the second edition is better. David is a great writer, and his blend of humor and insight makes him a Book Bytes favorite and award-winner. The latest edition of The iMac for Dummies is up-to-date with current iMac hardware and software. Newcomers to Apple™s one-piece masterpiece will appreciate every step of the journey, with this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED book close at hand, and for these first-time users, we rank it:
MacMice Rating: 4
Sams Teach Yourself Mac OS 9 in 24 Hours
by Rita Lewis
Sams Publishing
ISBN 0-672-31775-3, 488 pages
$19.99 U.S., $29.95 Canada, £14.50 U.K.
Lesson by lesson, in 24 hourly increments, readers are taken from installation all the way to advanced procedures, including scripting and troubleshooting. Readers are able to jump around or plow through the text and quiz material systematically. I find this RECOMMENDED book so useful that I™m glad to be covering it in such a capsule review, so I can spend more time studying it. Do you know how to set your QuickTime prefs? See œHour 10.
MacMice Rating: 4
Mac OS 9 for Dummies
by Bob LeVitus
Dummies Press
ISBN 0-7645-0652-8, 400 pages
$19.99 U.S., $29.99 Canada, £18.99 U.K.
I respect Bob LeVitus tremendously for what he has achieved with his Mac OS for Dummies series. I give these books as gifts to Macintosh newcomers, because the contents are easy to understand and use. If you™re an experienced Mac person, you won™t need this title, but I expect you know someone who does. Don™t let the insulting title fool you, because Bob is tops. Geared to total newbies, Book Bytes RECOMMENDS Mac OS 9 for Dummies and rates it:
MacMice Rating: 4
Eudora 4.2 for Windows & Macintosh
Visual QuickStart Guide
by Adam Engst
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-35389-X, 256 pages
$16.99 U.S., $25.50 Canada
Inside this slim and affordable volume is a gold mine of wisdom from the smartest guy on Eudora. Even though I don™t personally use Eudora 4.2 (or higher), I™m tempted to switch today in order to be able to have Adam Engst as my constant companion. If you currently work with Eudora and don™t own this RECOMMENDED title, what™s your problem? Email is too important not to know every possible tip, technique, and trick with the software.
(Editor Russ Walkowich covered this title in depth in a book review in our March, 2000 issue #59. I suggest you read Russ™s review for more detailed coverage.)
MacMice Rating: 4
America Online for Dummies, 6th Edition
by John Kaufeld
Dummies Press
ISBN 0-7645-0670-6, 330 pages
$19.99 U.S., $29.99 Canada, £18.99 U.K.
Is anybody still using AOL? My wife and I do, because the software is easy to use and the service is loaded with features we prefer. This book is current to the new version 5, and is strong on parental controls and keywords. The author breaks into steps all of the most common and important AOL procedures, with many helpful screen shots and tips. Newcomers to America Online will find this RECOMMENDED title well worth their cost and study.
MacMice Rating: 3
All these books have now left the œpending Book Bytes shelf, which means we™re ready for a large shipment of new arrivals during the spring and summer months. Stick with Book Bytes, friends, and keep reading our recommended titles.
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