In our November and December issues, Book Bytes provides supplementary capsule reviews of books which could be suitable gifts for family, friends, and colleagues on your holiday shopping list. Many of these titles are œupdaters to outstanding books previously reviewed, with the more recent editions being mentioned below.
The Little Mac Book, 6th Edition
by Robin Williams
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-35433-0, 445 pages
$19.99 U.S., $29.95 Canada
Who needs a basic book on the Macintosh, you ask? Well, I answer, every person who has purchased an iMac or other first-time system. If ten percent of the wisdom inside this book was common knowledge among new users, all those œhow do I? and œhelp me! groans would be much less frequent. The previous edition of this title was a Book Bytes Award winner last year, and this up-to-date version surpasses its predecessors. You hear me: buy and use this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED book.
PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide, 2nd Edition
by David Pogue
O™Reilly & Associates
ISBN 1-56952-600-5, 597 pages plus CD
$29.95 U.S., $43.95 Canada
The first version of this book was a hit, and the latest edition is even better. David has done his homework, and every Palm user is a potential beneficiary. If you’re using your little wonder for more than a pocket-filler, quit monkeying around and buy this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED book + CD for yourself and everyone who might want to borrow it from you, because they won™t want to return it. Now, if I can just get 3Com to send me that œdemo unit I have been requesting…!
Mac OS 8.6 Visual QuickStart Guide
by Maria Langer
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-35472-1, 330 pages
$17.99 U.S., $26.95 Canada
Book Bytes has praised Maria, and will continue to do so as long as she produces top-notch books for readers at all levels of Macintosh ability and experience. I have given this book (and its earlier editions) as a gift to more people than any other Mac OS title. Not a week passes that I don™t look up some small-but-essential feature of 8.6. If you’re stumbling through the operating system, do yourself a favor and purchase this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED title. And then don’t forget to send Maria a nice thank-you note.
Maria just sent me a message for all Book Bytes readers:
My Mac OS 9 book just went to the printer and should be in stores by November. It’s a major revision, with lots of new material and new chapters. It also has iBook info. I think it would make a fine stocking stuffer for folks who like to keep their OS up to date!
I will obtain the book from her publisher, and review the OS 9 title when it becomes available.
Harley Hahn™s Internet & Web Yellow Pages,
Millennium Edition
by Harley Hahn
Osborne / McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-212170-X, 908 pages plus CD
$34.99 U.S.
Harley is one of my favorite computer book writers. He is able to take the concept of an Internet directory and make the end product highly entertaining and informative. He infuses his books with personal anecdotes and experiences that make reading the annual yellow pages a treat that lasts an entire year. When I need guidance for specific subject site searching and browsing, my hand automatically grabs Harley Hahn™s latest HIGHLY RECOMMENDED edition. One more thing: his personal website is a valuable link, and is loaded with Internet resources.
Photoshop 5.5 for Windows and Macintosh,
Visual QuickStart Guide
by Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-69957-5, 412 pages
$19.99 U.S., $29.95 Canada
The Photoshop application is so expensive, and this title is so affordable, that I™m wondering why someone would not immediately purchase the book. The center section of artwork, with the artists listed in an appendix, is alone worth $20! The book is an excellent addition to the toolbox of every artist and graphics person who uses Photoshop 5.5 for more than 5.5 minutes a year. Seeing is believing: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Adobe GoLive 4 for Macintosh and Windows,
Visual QuickStart Guide
by Shelly Brisbin
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-35477-2, 340 pages
$18.99 U.S., $28.50 Canada
Serious web designers and webmasters consider GoLive to be one of the best authoring tools, and now that Adobe is the owner, both the software and this book absorb the new features in version 4. The proven QuickStart format is well-suited to working with such a powerful and versatile application. For anyone now using or planning to use GoLive, the low price of this RECOMMENDED title is certainly an incentive to having its Guide close at hand.
Sams Teach Yourself
Netscape Communicator 4.5 in 24 Hours
by Shannon Turlington
Sams Publishing
ISBN 0-672-31329-4, 408 pages
$19.99 U.S., $28.95 Canada, £17.95 U.K.
As Netscape migrates up toward version 5.x, potential readers of this title might wonder if looking backward is a good idea. The author™s lessons, text, tips, and screenshots add up to a successful presentation. This cross-platform book provides solid information that will be most valuable for newbies and intermediates, plus users in no particular hurry to leave Communicator 4.5+. RECOMMENDED.
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
in 24 Hours, Starter Kit
by Jill T. Freeze
Sams Publishing
ISBN 0-672-31328-6, 446 pages plus Windows-only CD
$19.99 U.S., $29.99 Canada, £17.99 U.K.
In theory, this Windows-platform book could provide a head start for readers who intend to use the Mac version of Explorer 5.x. Newcomers to the Web will benefit from the lesson-based approach to learning how to use the software. Experienced webheads might want to buy this affordable book as a gift for someone who will let you borrow it back for specific questions about the next version of Internet Explorer.
Please come back next month for another round of bonus Stocking Stuffers, plus our annual Book Bytes Awards.
¢John Nemerovski¢ <>
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