Blog ‘o Links

I always enjoy writing and reading blog posts with fun or cool links. Chris Seibold used to do them quite often, but I don’t know where he is. Too much time doing Not Mac News, probably 🙂

Okay, so is anyone else watching NerdTV? Sure, it’s not for everyone. You REALLY have to want to hear geek speak a lot to really enjoy some of it. The shows are usually around 90MB or size, QuickTime of course. Sometimes they are about an hour, sometimes less. Right now, they have an episode up with Doug Engelbart, the creator of the computer mouse. Did you know our own David Casseres worked with Doug Engelbart’s SRI group back in the 60’s?

Check this fake ipod shuffle out. Check it out soon, the auction will end soon. But DON’T bid on this crap.

This is the sort of videos I think Todd and Chris are making when no one is looking.

Ah, this was quick and fun. If you want more of these, let me know!

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