Now that all kinds of people are getting their first taste of snow this season, I thought I would post a few words about what it’s like here in the Southwest. The image below was taken three years ago in the mountain valley community of San Cristobal, NM, about 20 minutes north of Taos. What you’re looking at is a blizzard bearing down on us from about 20 miles away. That’s what it looks like, a great big roiling mass of what look like clouds but are anything but. That’s SNOW, all right. Sometimes the sun comes out in the middle of these storms, and the locals say that means the devil is beating his wife.

There’s a good picture of a similar snow event posted at today’s FotoFeed. Since those images update daily, you’ll have to go here to see the one I mean if you’re reading this after Dec. 9th (right now it’s what you’ll see at the link below). This isn’t a blizzard, though, just a snow shower. But it sure does look dramatic.
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