Black Friday deal from MS



Friday…and Friday only…the Mac BU is kicking off the holiday shopping season by offering the BFD…the Be st Friday Deal! Saving $100 on qualifying Office 2004 for Mac products along with a practically free copy of Office 2008 for Mac is definitely the BFD! It’s basically an amplified Super Suite Deal. Here’s how it works…

Acquire the following Office 2004 for Mac boxed product on Friday, November 23…

…and receive…

Office 2004 for Mac Standard Edition

$100 U.S. mail-in rebate


Office 2008 for Mac

Special Media Edition (plus the cost of shipping and handling)

Office 2004 for Mac Standard Edition Upgrade

$100 U.S. mail-in rebate


Office 2008 for Mac

Special Media Edition (plus the cost of shipping and handling)

Office 2004 for Mac Student and Teacher Edition

$100 U.S. mail-in rebate


Office 2008 for Mac

Special Media Edition (plus the cost of shipping and handling) or Office 2008 for Mac Home and Student plus a copy of Expression Media

This amazing offer is available to consumers in the US and Puerto Rico, one rebate per person. Customers can download the rebate coupon by visiting the Super Suite Deal promotions site this Friday, November 23:

After all, giving is good but receiving great Office for Mac deals is even better!



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