Bird Flu, MyDoom, & Lifestyle Trendsetter
Former top U.S. weapons inspector David Kay said on Wednesday told the Senate Armed Services Committee that America’s prewar intelligence was all wrong in that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. "It turns out we were all wrong, and that is most disturbing," Kay said.

THAT is what is most disturbing?

We have invaded another country, were lied to over and over again by the American government, have killed thousands of innocent Iraq citizens, have watched American military families torn apart in Iraq…
MyDoom virus declared worst ever!
Man, wait ‘til I tell my grandkids I survived the WORSE VIRUS EVER!

Why does the computer industry get cool virus names, while real-life viruses get stupid ones, or ones no one can pronounce? I mean, which sounds worse to you?

West Nile

Ohh! Scary…
Hey, great! A new memory format that is even smaller than my pinky nail. And here I am still looking for a Smart Disk memory card I lost a few weeks ago, which is four times that big. Just what I need, a memory card small enough that I will have to look down my sink drain when I loose it.
Now we have the “Bird Flu” Again with the names! If they really want to get people worried, why not call it the “Flying Death Flu” or something?

Bird Flu. Bird Flu. Bird Flu. Say THAT three times fast!
They call Martha Stewart a “Lifestyle Trendsetter.” What the hell is that? They just made that term up for this story. Anyone else caught using this term automatically gets a wedgie. I MEAN IT!
Sex Site Sues Credit Cards Over Pirated Erotica
How bizarre is our world? From the Reuters story:
“The publisher of Perfect 10, Norman Zada, said in an interview that he had lost $29 million since setting up his business in 1996, including $8 million on legal fees. He said the problem was that he was spending thousands of dollars for nude photography sessions while many Internet sites were stealing his and other images.”

So he has lost 29 Million dollars since starting up his business in 1996? And now claims "The defendants in this case … are knowingly providing crucial transactional support services for the sale of millions of stolen photos and film clips worth billions of dollars that belong to Perfect 10 and third-parties,"

Man oh man! What a concept! I think MADD should go after the U.S. Treasury for supplying the millions of paper money that bar patrons and convenience store customers are using to buy their beer. Makes as much sense to me.

And besides, how the hell does a porn website loose 29 million dollars? How much do those models and (cough-cough) actresses get paid, anyway?

And finally, can someone please tell CNN that they really don’t have to cover the democratic nominee race 24/7. Really, they don’t have to. Seriously.

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