Big Bangs

Scientists are now sure they know how the universe will end, some billions of years from now. It will end in what they call the Big Chill.

The Big Chill means that the universe is ever expanding, and it will never collapse on itself to create another Big Bang (supposedly the Big Bang was the beginning of this universe).

They say that not only is our universe expanding, but that the expansion is accelerating. This means that something which is unseen is making everything fly away.

When everything flies away from everything else, the atomic fires that fuel the stars and galaxies will eventually burn out, thus producing the Big Chill.

This is such a morbid picture, of endless dead stars and worlds streaking into infinity forever.

By the way, these same scientists and physicists have a name for this matter and energy that causes all of this to happen. They call it Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

They call it dark because they cannot see it and apparently, it makes up most of the matter and energy in the universe, about 94% of it.

They arrive at all of this because of their mathematics, and because they believe that the universe that we see should be acting differently than it is. That is, if the visible universe were all that there was.

Are they right? Their math says they are. But this is only the current theory. Give them a couple of decades, or a few hundred years to be sure.

Of course they do not talk about other Big Bangs. How could they? This one universe is all that they know about. And if it expands forever until it all burns out and dies, well, that is too far into the future for them (or us) to worry about, right?

But suppose this whole experience with our current universe (exploding into existence with a bang, and burning out during an ever-expanding flight) – is just a process.

Once our universe begins to burn out, way out yonder, another Big Bang occurs to fill the void left by this one. Why not? Everything we can see runs in cycles, right?

And suppose there is a great ”wall’ out there, way out yonder, which these then cold-and-dead universes will one day collide with? And that those collisions will somehow fuel more Big Bangs with matter and energy?

An on-going process? Why not? It is elegant, and I am sure there are mathematics that can be used to describe it as well.

Therefore, do not be all ‘gloom-and-doomy’ over the cold fate that awaits our world and our sun and our small galaxy. One day it may all be born again and everything will all happen again. And someone, somewhere will write about this all over again too.

Or not.

There is yet another theory, which says we are all inventions of God’s imagination (“in him we live and move, and have our being”). And that God is dreaming of us. And that one day God will roll up these heavens like a scroll and make everything new.

Come to think of it, These two theories are not that much different, are they?

Here’s hoping your day today is a good one. These days are the cabin fever days of February. I have hopes that they will one day end in a glorious Spring, yet once again.

Roger Born
“Sorry, No Refunds.”
“Your mileage may vary.”
“Film at 11.”


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