Remember last year when we said that OIL would go to $100 a barrel?
Well, here is more on that subject, by a Princeton professor:
“Professor Kenneth Deffeyes (Princeton University professor of geology) has come to the conclusion (after studying world petroleum production data) that the world HIT PEAK OIL PRODUCTION last December 16, 2005. He further states that total world oil production will never surpass what was produced last December. ‘Compared to 2004, world oil production was up 0.8 percent in 2005, nowhere near enough to compensate for a demand rise of roughly 3 percent. Additionally, he said, most oil-producing countries are in decline.” – Source: current events
It is not enough, all of our oil saving efforts. As a nation, we are still way too dependent on not just oil, but on gas guzzling vehicles and a miriad of home appliances that are way too ineffient, compared to the rest of the world. (our home appliances use electricity, of course, but that electricity is produced by our burning petroleum products in our power plants.
Nobody here (well, almost nobody) is ready to turn in their SUV for a moped, or one of these.

Despite the fact that in Los Angeles, near where I live, an enclcosed tandem seater car that is as narrow as a bike and as well built as a car, does not exist yet, but it is much needed here. Take another look.
Or, Consider this for a new eco-friendly, energy super efficient home.
Most economists believe that once oil hits $100 a barrel, we will be in a recession, because everything that we consume comes to us in trucks using gasoline. We came close late last year, when the price of oil hit $70. If the professor is right, oil will soon surpass $100 a barrel.
Fact is, China and Asia are becoming bigger oil consumers than we are. And they are doing it with much more efficient vehicles and appliances.
I really don’t have a solution, you know. I drive a very economical car, and i ration my electric usage. if everyone did, we would still have $1.00 a gallon gas at the gas stations, and the issue of our dependence on foreign oil would be moot.
But our dependence on foreign oil, to power our excesses, touches everyone’s lives here and now, with the war in Iraq, doesn’t it? Despite the hype and the political spin on the war, it was the oil we went for – or so most Americans think.
So? What can you do about it? It is the same old standard advice that came from my grandfather and my father before me:
“Sell what you don’t need. Pay off your debts. Cut up your credit cards. Live within your income – and you will weather any economic storm that is coming.”
And there is always one coming, right?
(BTW, besides being the best designed and most productive computers and media appliances, Apple Computer products are among the most energy efficient and eco-friendly products that America makes.)
Roger Born
“Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?” -George Carlin
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