Bad TV

One thing there is no shortage of is bad TV. I realized this as I was scanning through tonights TV options and noticed:
Saltwater Croc-vs-Great White Shark

Just ridiculous, basically an entire TV show based on a “what if” non happening. Personally once a middle aged, large sized human doesn’t stand a chance I don’t really care who would win the pretend battle. I also fail to see the point of such drivel. I can’t imagine who would find this information useful. Perhaps if you own a seaside compound and fear a maurading horde of walking great whites the show would be of interest. Then you’d know if you should stock up on dead chicken carcasses to feed your guard crocs or buy a few 50 caliber machine guns.

I suggest the producers buy a really large saltwater tank. Mix in a crock and a great white then toss an iPod mini in the tank. Heck, plenty of beasts would kill for one of those.

At one time I was receptive to the argument that PBS should be defunded because there are channels like Disovery and Nickelodeon that do the same stuff. Glad I came to my senses.

TV pick of the night:Scientific American Frontiers You know the host is smart because he was a surgeon in Korea.

If you just can’t get enough of fake grudge matches, you know Bambi -vs- Godzilla, Apache Chief versus Black Vulcan. Then grudge match Is the place for you.

Still hunting for a decent game…

Unaswerable Question: If you devoted an entire day to watching Law and Order just how many episodes could you catch? That thing gets rerun more than Andy Griffith.

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