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Tonight I was torn: A blog entry or polish off the Delacroix story. I was leaning heavily towards finishing up the Delacroix story cause it’s fun to write. As I was thinking of a decent way to end the Delacroix nonsense (cause at this point it needs to be over, I feel for all the folks who read the first two parts) bath time rolled around.
Not my bath time, heck it’s not Thursday, but my kids bathtime. Note the clean shiny look, that’s from frequent scrubbings.
Bath time means baby wash. Why there’s a special formula for washing eighteenth month old children is beyond me. Clean is clean right? No matter, the last time I tried to use formula 409 I got in big trouble so now I use the specifically formulated Johnson’s Baby Wash.
Nate really enjoys taking a bath, at least when I’m not using Citrus Orange Degreaser, so I let him splash around for a bit. As amusing as Michael Jackson might find watching a young boy splash naked in a tub for me it’s just boring, so I found myself reading the back of the baby wash bottle. About halfway down I saw this:
This was disturbing, how was I supposed to wipe this stuff on Nate without letting him touch it? I thought about my options and realized any application would involve skin to baby wash contact. I decided to take my chances and use the stuff anyway. I couldn’t see any immediate effects though I suppose the stuff may cause some adverse reaction and turn him into a super powered hero or villian in the future. Cause that’s how super heroes get made, trust me I’ve read a lot of comics.
Looking for a game fix? The good news: Beth Lock sent me a couple of winners. The bad news, I’m not sharing them yet because I’m still playing them. Be content with Bush Shootout Nope, it’s not that great but there is a little humor at the beginning.
TV pick for Wednesday: City Lights Sure it’s silent but it’s still a great movie. Bruce there’s your reason to get cable. Of course even more reasons abound NOT to get cable.
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