Awesome Keynote

iLife. Wowser. This suite of Apple apps for the Mac just keeps getting better and better. And the fact that it is all free with every new Mac only makes getting a Mac that much more attractive for the new buyer. Apple will make another mint off of selling the upgrades to the rest of us who already own a Mac, as well. I plan to upgrade right away myself.

The keynote was excellent too. Phil seems to be a great choice to replace Steve Jobs at the helm (if that is what is supposed to happen any time soon). I loved the music at the beginning and at the end of the Keynote too. Apple just rocks.

iLife. iWorks. iTunes. Awesome things.

Even the new 17″ MacBook Pro is droolworthy. So is the new battery technology that will likely reshape the notebook industry.

What is a shame is the fact that there will be no more Apple at MacWorld. Everyone assumes that there will still be Keynotes and product announcements at Apple, every time there is something new to be introduced, so not many people are weeping in their beer over this. Apple will continue to rock the industry, and make us catch our breath as new software and hardware are announced periodically.

If anything was missing from this final Keynote today, it seems to be the missing product that goes between the Apple iPod Touch and the MacBooks, which we all expected. Or perhaps some expected improvements to the AppleTV. The Apple Mini has been upgraded, but that was never even mentioned at the Keynote. There are items still missing, in what most of us believe to be a perfect Apple world of computing and media products.

Most obvious in the Keynote was all the ”filler” of excess time spent on product features, and the extra music at the end. There was definitely ”One More Thing” missing, wasn’t there? Does that mean that some new product was for some reason not quite ready to be introduced, as expected? How many of us would give a lot to see all the failed products and near-misses that Apple decided not to introduce these past few years.

Oh well. There’s always the WWDC later in the year. I wonder who the Keynote speaker will be?

Roger Born
”Sorry. No Refunds”


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