Marware C.E.O. Sleeve for iPhone 3G – Review

When you first get your new iPhone, you want it as is; up close and personal so that you can savor the newness of it. However, within a few days you want to give it some protection because you’re afraid that it will drop out of your shirt or coat pocket. The other end of that is that the sleekness of the iPhone at times makes you feel as though you’re gonna drop it because you’re not really paying attention to it.

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BudFits – Review

I know that there are a lot of iPod users out there that still use the earbuds that came with their iPod either because they just like the earbuds or they haven’t found anything better to use. For those of you still using Apple’s earbuds and are into physical fitness, then mosey on over to the InnoVelis website and check out BudFits.

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SlimBlade Bluetooth Presenter Mouse – Review

I had absolutely no problems in setting up the SlimBlade BT mouse for use with my MacBook. Press the power button that is hidden under the slidable trim and look for the green power indicator on the opposite side to glow solid green for three seconds, then depress the mode switch that is located at the scroll wheel for three seconds and you’re ready to go for regular use as a mouse. The SlimBlade is a full featured laser mouse that just performs two functions, both very well.

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Kensington Ci70 Keyboard with USB Ports

I’m a pretty fast typist but the one thing I kept hearing while I was typing at home was “Why are you typing so loudly?” Hey, it wasn’t me, it was just the keyboard responding to my fingers flying over the keys. I’ve always, for the most part, used an Apple keyboard hooked up to my Macs. You know, the big, almost sounds like a typewriter, keyboards.

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Targus 13.3″ radius Vertical Messenger – Review

So you’ve gotten yourself a brand new Mac laptop. It’s a great investment, and a great purchase for those of you who have just switched to a Mac, are on the go or just looking to change from a desktop. Now what you have to consider is how are going to get around with your Mac laptop.

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Photoshop Elements 6 – Review

It has now been two years since Adobe last released a new version of Photoshop Elements for the Mac. The release PSE 6 at the end of March 2008, skipping an entire version number (5) marks the long awaited switch to an Intel-native version. So, did Adobe get it right?

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STM Small Rogue Laptop Backpack – Review

Ok, you have your MacBook (or MacBook Air) and you want a laptop case to protect your investment. The problem is that you also want to be able to carry other items around with you besides your laptop. Looking for something comfortable, durable and yet still presents a good image, no matter whether you’re in jeans or a suit? Then take a run over to STM Bags and consider their Small Rogue backpack, designed for the MacBook or MacBook Air.

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Spire Edge Laptop Sleeve – Review

Ok, so you already have your laptop case/bag/backpack. Your MacBook is fully charged and you’re ready to go between offices but do you really need to take the laptop bag along? Not if you have yourself an Edge laptop sleeve that serves as a protective cover for your MacBook.

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Spire Viro Laptop Case – Review

Ok, you have your MacBook laptop and you want something classy that protects your investment yet is well designed, versatile and presents a good image. Then check out Spire’s Viro laptop case for the MacBook.

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Mac OS X Leopard: The Missing Manual

David Pogue’s latest endeavor, Mac OS X Leopard: The Missing Manual has built upon all of his previous versions and his experience in working with Macs. This is what should come in the box with your Mac. Everything you need to know or would like to know about Leopard is in this book.

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iMage USB Webcam

I use a G4 PPC MDD 867 dual with 1.5 gigs of ram…and no iSight camera. I wanted one but figured that the price would come down fairly quick but the next thing I knew, gone! So there I’ve been, looking at the assortment of cameras that Window’s folks have but never seeing Mac compatible on the box. I know, I know, I could buy one and then purchase IOXperts Webcam Driver for Mac OS X but I thought that was just a bit much paying for a Windows webcam and then having to purchase a driver to let me use it.

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Expert Mouse Optical USB Trackball

Over the years, I’ve used just about every type of mouse out there: Apple’s one-button mouse, trackballs, corded and wireless, small and large, two button up to multi-button. I even used the Kensington Turbo Mouse (version 3) during the mid-90’s and enjoyed its capabilities and ease of use. Fast forward to the present time and here I am using Kensington’s Expert Mouse, the descendent of the Turbo Mouse. How does it hold up?

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Take Control of Upgrading to Leopard: Early-Bird Edition

Leopard is here… are you ready? I know, you’ve been through this before, you’re a power user, know all the tricks that go along with upgrading to Apple’s newest OS… Or you could be a brand new user or ex-Window’s user who’s not really sure what to expect. Well, the crew at TidBits has taken a bite of the process of upgrading and it presents itself in Joe Kissel’s latest endeavor, Take Control of Upgrading to Leopard: Early Bird Edition.

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Leopard Arrived

I’m been home sick for the past few days, whatever is going around came to visit me. So this morning, when the FedEx guy

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iPhone Bill

For those of you that ran out and bought an iPhone and you’ve been using it for everything, start checking your mail box for

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