Review – PowerMail 6

For the first few years that I was using a Mac, I used Claris Emailer, versions 1 and 2, which quickly became my email program of choice. In 1998 when Apple lost interest in Emailer, I searched around for a replacement and found PowerMail 2.0.3 by CTM Development.

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Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard – Book Review

A very well written and superbly illustrated book that explains the internal workings of Snow Leopard, covering all the things that a new user should learn from A to Z. If you are looking for a really good book to have on hand or to give as a gift to someone, consider Ms. Williams and Mr. Tollett’s Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard book. Read full review here.

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Mac OS X Snow Leopard for Dummies – Review

When they first began publishing the "Dummy" books, a lot of folks took the titles to be demeaning or designed to make fun of those who bought and read the books. Time has passed and there are simply dozens of titles appearing each year covering every topic imaginable. The Mac series of Dummy books goes back to the OS 7 time period and continues to this day. Amongst those leading the way in writing Mac Dummy books has been Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus.

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Review – mStand

Using your MacBook or MacBook Pro and getting tired because it’s sitting on your desk and it just doesn’t feel right? Check out Rain Design’s mStand for laptops with Russ….

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Griffin WindowSeat for iPhone 3G – Review

I’ve been looking at and reviewing cases for the iPhone 3G but there is also the need for an accessory for your iPhone that a lot of folks tend to overlook. If you spend a lot of time on the road in your car, either traveling to and from work, or just traveling, gas prices permitting, then you really need to consider looking at a mount for your iPhone.

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Griffin iClear with Armband for iPhone 3G – Review

With all of the cases that have appeared for the iPhone 3G, there are always special cases designed to fill a specific niche for certain users. Griffin Technology’s iClear case for the iPhone 3G fills a specific spot for the active user who wants to take their iPhone along with them whenever they are on the go. Whether you are into running, bicycling or walking, then you need to check out the iClear case.

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OtterBox Defender for iPhone 3G – Review

There are literally scores of cases for the iPhone 3G out there in the market place. Leather, hard plastic, soft plastic, designed to slip in a pocket or clip on to your belt. They all offer some form of protection for your iPhone 3G. However, if you are really looking to provide some real protection, based upon the environment you use your iPhone in or just the way you interact with your iPhone, then you really do need to check out OtterBox’s Defender series for the iPhone 3G.

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Marware C.E.O. FlipVue for iPhone 3G – Review

Russ reviews the new iPhone FlipVue case. Marware has more than one iPhone case up its sleeve. Marware’s C.E.O. FlipVue is a another well designed leather case for your iPhone 3G that you might want to consider taking a look at for daily use. Marware had already produced a version for the original iPhone that was previously reviewed by David Weeks and since the arrival of the iPhone 3G, a newer model appeared on the scene.

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Marware C.E.O. Sleeve for iPhone 3G – Review

When you first get your new iPhone, you want it as is; up close and personal so that you can savor the newness of it. However, within a few days you want to give it some protection because you’re afraid that it will drop out of your shirt or coat pocket. The other end of that is that the sleekness of the iPhone at times makes you feel as though you’re gonna drop it because you’re not really paying attention to it.

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BudFits – Review

I know that there are a lot of iPod users out there that still use the earbuds that came with their iPod either because they just like the earbuds or they haven’t found anything better to use. For those of you still using Apple’s earbuds and are into physical fitness, then mosey on over to the InnoVelis website and check out BudFits.

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