[Note: for the latest news, go here!.] Time Capsule is an AirPort Extreme plus a 500 GB hard drive for only $299. The press
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[Note: for the latest news, go here!.] Time Capsule is an AirPort Extreme plus a 500 GB hard drive for only $299. The press
Read MoreAll right, starting with this batch, we’re putting the captions underneath the images (duh): Artie Alinikoff, John Nemerovski and Tim Robertson… I think Nemo
Read MoreI am not making this up. According to the Gematriculator of the Sect of Homokaasu, MyMac.com is 19% evil. Wow. I wonder if Tim
Read MoreI finally posted a new GRACK! at JHFarr.com. You can get to it by clicking on the image below. That URL will always have
Read MoreMore shameless self-promotion, as the saying goes, that has not a whit to do with PC vs. Mac or whether I know best how
Read MoreThat’s the title of my latest Web column over at JHFarr.com. I could just as well post it here, but I need to drive
Read MoreI’ve been married for 26 years today. We’ve been together almost 30 years. it was all born of a falling-in-love of unmatched ferocity and
Read MoreEgad! I haven’t posted in about 1,000 years, don’t know what’s been going on. But I just saw something in the Sunday Santa Fe
Read MoreThis will be relatively short and sweet. It’s certainly sweet, anyway. I’ve been away at a conference/music camp called ZoukFest 2007 in Santa Fe.
Read MoreWhen I got home, I discovered that several important clients using Earthlink for their ISP had emails sent from “macbook.local” blocked. Additionally, my brother
Read MoreWhat a crapload of emotions I’ve been struggling with today. Just be glad I wasn’t operating a bulldozer in your neighborhood. It all started
Read MoreAt least not now. Maybe later. For the time being, there’s just this MacBook sitting on my desk, and damn, I have a desk
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Here’s a clue for you: designer Jason Beaird’s The Principles of Beautiful Web Design showed up in my mailbox shortly after publication this past April, and the first thing I did was drop everything and read it from cover to cover. For the record, I build Web sites myself and have a number of art and design classes to my credit. Jason Beaird paid a lot more attention to his teachers, and it shows.
Who can we get to write a review of Adobe InDesign CS3? How about someone who has never used it before? Who has no expectations or preconceptions of the application? How about John Farr!
The first of our Adobe CS3 product reviews, this time John Farr with Adobe Dreamweaver. We know you want it, especially if you have an Intel Mac. The new universal Adoble Dreamweaver CS3 that replaces the Macromedia-branded Dreamweaver 8 (PPC only) is faster, more capable, and actually fun to use. This review is aimed more at current users than new ones, and John will focus mainly on the changes to this new version.
This is what happens when you procrastinate on a Mac article: the whole world changes before your eyes! When I first got my review copy of Dreamweaver 8, it was fresh off the presses from Macromedia. I was happy to get it, and then it wasn’t Macromedia’s any more. Hearing that Adobe had taken over, I felt positively parental: “Be nice to my baby!”
Read MoreThat’s what Tim just gave me, all right. I wonder how long I’ll get to keep ’em? Yessir, I’m happy as a a pig
Read MoreThere’s a saying, attributed to a former territorial governor of New Mexico, to the effect that whatever works elsewhere comes to grief here. As
Read MoreI can’t possibly tell it all now, but I’m going to have to, sooner or later. Call this just a beginning… * * *
Read MoreI had a question for MyMac staffers last night and got some very helpful answers. This blog post is a result of what I
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