This is short and not so sweet. The Mac-centric press has been all over the fact that Steam is now available for the Mac.
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This is short and not so sweet. The Mac-centric press has been all over the fact that Steam is now available for the Mac.
Read MoreAs a registered old phart, I am constantly surprised at the way people get their knickers in a knot about cookies, sharing social network
Read MoreWhat IS the iPad? Simply, it’s an iPod Touch on steroids. Who will like it? There is a separate class of user for whom
Read MoreGuy Serle has a good article here on the iPad today, and covers lots of reasons why we agree that Apple has another hit.
Read MoreSteve Jobs has announced he will be taking a “medical leave of absence” until June. You and I can batten down the hatches for
Read MoreBob LeVitus shows off the small but powerful Altec portable speaker — Remarkable Westone 3 in-ear, premium headphones being worn by Westone people .
Read MoreOwen Rubin compares custom and DJ earphones at the iFrogz booth with their creative director. — Kevin Clover of Dr. Bott with Matt Saye
Read MoreI have a client who wanted a new MacBook, but also needed a bigger hard drive for her humongous photoshop files and client projects.
Read MoreAt MacWorld Expo, I spoke with the good folks at Best Buy’s booth and held a lengthy conversation on how BB is planning to
Read MoreI have Google News searching for Mac articles and this morning, it came up with a dilly from the venerable PC Magazine: “Refresh Your
Read MoreApple has sent MobileMe subscribers an email apologizing for the problems encountered switching over from .Mac. “Although core services such as Mail, iDisk, Sync,
Read MoreThis does not bode well. It’s Friday morning, September 12, and the iPhone update 2.1 has just been released, with promises of “Fewer Dropped
Read MoreI sincerely hope that everything Obama said is absolutely true. I wish him the best of luck in seeing the country through these difficult
Read MoreSensory Overload — Mainly noise. My throat is sore from trying to be heard over the din. But I’m not nearly as sore as
Read MoreThe biggest complaint I’ve heard about the MacBook Air is not the fact that it only takes three plugs (headphone, USB, and an external
Read MoreThursday was the day for the Apple Consultant’s Network. Starting with the BYOB (Bring Your Own Breakfast) Meeting at 8 a.m. and ending with
Read MoreJohn Nemerovski enjoys concert. Dan with the band, Shaw-Blades
Read MoreUntil I stubbed my toe on a sawed-off piece of pipe imbedded in the sidewalk, the day was going fine! It started off at
Read MoreFrom my home in Charlotte, North Carolina, MacWorld has been, if not a dream, at least a constant, nagging, unscratched itch. So this year,
Read MoreI’m happy to find an iPhone case I can recommend. The OtterBox from Otter Products is a stylish, rugged product that looks like it ought to be on the hip of an architect at a work site.