Macally ECOFAN Bamboo Cooling Stand for Laptop – Review

The first thing that attracted me to the new Macally ECOFAN Bamboo Cooling Stand was that it was made from bamboo. Bamboo is not a wood, but a grass. It has incredible strength, both tensile and hard strength that is, pound for pound, stronger than steel. It grows very fast almost anywhere that’s temperate in climate, and is completely biodegradable, Hence, the name ECOFAN.

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A Review of ivideosongs Music Lessons – Review

ivideosongs had a great idea when they decided to enlist the aid of accomplished musicians to give their various perspectives on how to approach playing your instrument of choice. Who better to teach you than the players of the stars? Russ Kunkel and Liberty DeVitto are two of the most recorded and accomplished players in music today.

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Our intrepid reviewer, Owen Rubin, reviewed these fine Rickshaw bags on 10-30-08. His incisive review and great photos are a must for those needing a quality messenger-style bag. At the MWSF ’09 show Owen introduced me to Mark Dwight, owner and designer of these pragmatic and stunning bags. At the time I was carrying my MacBook around in a smallish backpack, along with MacWorld materials, and running out of room. Owen said, “come with me. I know exactly what you need.”

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Schmooze and Fashion

Ah, sitting here in the media room with Guy and Mark as we schmooze about the upcoming events, and Guy sets up his vast

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Pix and fax

Needless to say there are a multitude of booths at the Macworld Expo with products enough to daunt even the most hardened technophile. David

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Food, food, and friends

One of the distinct advantages of coming to San Francisco for the Macworld Expo is the myriad of restaurants and variety of ethnic and

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iPod Touch

The more you use it, the more amazing it becomes. I never thought I’d say this, but as much as I like my MacBook

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Shure professional headsets

My partner and fellow musician, Don Kelley, has finally given in to using in-ear phones for monitors on stage. This is after years of

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Audiobyte Computer Speakers w/ Amplifier – Review

One never knows what to expect when a company invites evaluation of the product they produce. I suppose they think that, for the money, their product can’t be beat. Well, guess what? There are lots of products out there which can be beat, easily, especially "for the money." I don’t know why some companies even bother putting out a product at all except for the fact that not everyone knows a good "widget" from a bad one. However, in our estimation, the Axiom Audiobyte Computer Speakers will stand with any home or professional speakers in their class.

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I’m glad to say I’ve met my spiritual sonic in-ear guru, atrio professional headphones by Future Sonics. These phones are the first I’ve found that fit me the way I believe the company would have it. And the amazing part is that the silicone sleeves that were already on the m8’s I received fit perfectly.

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