Armstrong Said China Beat Us To The Moon

I know I am very hard of hearing. Some people even consider me deaf. However, you should listen to this:

Neil Armstrong

So China evidently went to the moon before America or anyone else. Pretty interesting stuff!

If the site is 404, try again later. Its being hit pretty hard by thousands of MyMac-ers. (Also, the site is full of vulgarities, just so you know).

Seventy-two years before we did, China evidently had a secret space program. They launched not just a single ship, but a whole fleet of ships to the moon. Their armada was called the “Treasure Fleet.” They even took animals with them, as well as grain ships and water ships. This armada was led by a group of the Emperor’s Admirals, – all eunuchs, whose chief leader was Zheng He.

Their ships, called “Junks,” were nearly five-hundred feet long, and one-hundred fifty feet wide. Their trip lasted for two years. It is not known what they brought back from the moon.

Shortly after their return, the Chinese Emperor closed China completely to the outside world, and stopped all travel to other places, including all their sea voyages. This is unfortunate, because in the process, they also burned all evidence of these voyages of Zheng He and his faithful eunuchs, who were also perported to have discovered Australia, New Zealand, Greenland and the Carribean.

Here is a link to a few of their voyages:

Film at 11.

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