Are the New Apple Ads Offensive?

There has been some discussion lately about the alleged
of Apple TV ads. The most reasoned of them is the one I
just linked to at

As is often the case, a top level analysis would seem to suggest
that the Mac, played by Justin Long, is snippy, arrogant, and
off-putting. A typical reaction is that the PC, played by
John Hodgman is kinda likable. An unassuming doofus, amused
by his plight, but powerless to change it.

That feeling seems to resonate with a lot of people who feel
powerless in their daily interactions with technology. I am
particularly reminded of the old saw, “The computer is running
slow today.” How often have you heard that? Or, “Our systems
are down for maintenance. Can you call back later?”

(Yeah, right, while we eradicate the latest PC malware.)

If the first reaction is to feel empathy for our fellow man
and identify with the PC guy, then the ads would seem to fail on the
surface. The ads are offensive.

But the deeper question, in my mind, is whether the potential
customer is the kind of person who tends to take charge of their
lives or remain a victim. Indeed, it’s politically correct to
appear to respect the feelings of all those people out there who
suffer daily with their PCs. But Apple isn’t about exhibiting
signs of sympathy. Apple is about making money, success and
taking charge.

I know for sure that Apple’s current ads are directed towards
people who are accustomed to taking responsibility for their lives.
The ads characterize the restlessness of Steve Jobs himself,
always wanting something better, never satisfied with mediocrity.

Yep, the Mac-guy in these ads is challenging you. Are you
pissed-off yet? Good. It’s a very personal dig. If you’re the
kind of person who is anti-intellectual, seeks the status quo,
and is intimidated by very smart and capable people, then
Apple products won’t appeal to you. But if you have the spirit
to cause upheaval in your life, fire your boss, move to a new
city, sell your Honda Accord and buy a Mini Cooper (or whatever),
dump your PC and move to a Mac, go to the beach and spend a
year writing the novel that’s been locked up inside you for
years, then Apple wants you as a customer.

These ads won’t please John Q. Public, and they aren’t designed to.
Everything you need to know about these ads is in the
Apple Manifesto.

If you don’t have the courage to change your computer, how
are you going to change the world?

John Martellaro

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