When I find myself performing a computer tasks one or more times a week, I start thinking, there’s got to be way for this to be done automatically. Point in case. When I receive an email lead for a potential client, I have to click the link to the site where the lead is listed. It’s not a big deal to do that, by it would mean one less click of the countless clicks I make on a daily basis. (In fact, that would make a great piece of software: one tells how many clicks and links you’ve made a given amount of time or days. It could be real scary to know that.)
So now I’m starting create individual email rules that runs a simple Apple script workflow that opens up a specific URL site. Pretty simple, but nice little time saver. Here’s how to do it using AppleScritpt.
1. Open Script Editor, which is found in Applications>AppleScript>Script Editor.app
2. Copy and paste the follow script in the editor:
tell application “Safari”
make new document
set URL of document of first window to “http://www.wedplan.net/”
end tell
3. Replace the URL in the quotation marks above with the URL you would like to have opened up in Safari.
4. Click the Run button in the menu bar of the Apple Script Editor to make sure it works.
5. Save the script in your Home>Library>Scripts folder. You may want to create a folder within the Scripts folder that houses URL scripts like this if you planned to make several more.
6. Now open Mail and click on Preferences.
7. Click on Rules>Add Rule and add an email address that when it arrives in your box will trigger your saved script. Where it says Perform the following actions,” click on the Run ApplScript from the drop down menu. Click choose and navigate to the script you just saved. Add an description and click OK.
8. The next time your specified email arrives, it should trigger the saved AppleScript and open the specified webpage.
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