((( the conversation around the table last March, went something like this . . . )))
“Well, what are we going to do for our company’s 30th anniversary? Anybody?” – SJ
“Let’s announce our new iPod phone.” – This, from the iPod guy.
“No. Let’s shut down the Store for an hour and then put up the new MacBook,” said the Mac laptop fellow.
SJ – “But we can’t do these yet. We have nothing ready to go.”
“I’m in favor of telling people we have a Beta that can run Windows on our Macs. That’ll get their attention,” said the head of the software development.
“Look, all of these are good, but it is not enough. We need something that can give us all the free publicity we can get, even though we don’t have a product to release that day.” – SJ
“Well . . . ” says the marketing guy, “If you want a ton of free publicity and you want it to go on for a month or more . . . I recommend we do absolutely nothing for our 30th Anniversary.”
Consternation rules the table, as they all protest and talk at once.
SJ – “You know, maybe he has something here!”
More noise all around, with everyone agreeing.
SJ – “Tell us more, there big guy.”
BG – “Well, think about it. Every news site and computer web site is already talking about what is coming down the pipe on Saturday (April 1st, 2006), aren’t they? Some of them are way out in left field, talking about stuff we haven’t done yet, and may not want to do. Others are more in tune with what is coming, but why give them kudos for their figuring it out? I say we give them nothing on Saturday, and don’t even pop a champagne bottle, or light a firework on that day.”
SJ – “You mean give them totally nothing?”
BG – “Yes. Think of all the free publicity we will get while they all try to guess what is going on!”
Applause and “hoorays” around the table.
“Hey, later, say, Wednesday, we can take down the store in the morning and then just put up a software update!” (This, from the software guy)
“Yeah! And we can ride this for a long time, if when Apple falls out of the headlines, then we can announce ‘BootCamp!'” (Said another one)
SJ – Well, let’s do it. I love the idea of free publicity while spending absolutely nothing, and without having to rush anything new to market. This is a wonderful idea, big guy – give yourself a raise.”
“Thanks Steve! Meanwhile, we all can keep on trying to get real products out the door this year, like you promised we would, last January.”
SJ winces at that remark, but says nothing. He waves them off with a rare grin, and everyone departs to their looming deadlines, full schedules and backlogged milestones.
– – – – – – – – – –
So. Now you know what happened at Apple Computers a couple of weeks ago. (Maybe)
Apple didn’t do anything, but they got major press in all the news media, and they are still getting headlines, aren’t they?
Nor did it cost them a dime.
Now when they release a real product, it will start all over again, and they didn’t waste the publicity of a good non-event by bringing a real product to market.
(This conceptual conversation was developed from an idea by Chris Born)
Roger Born
“I’m a figment of my own imagination”
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