AppleCare Goes for the Screwjob

If you’ve followed this blog at all you’re well acquainted with my iBook woes. This is the fifth time the thing’s been in to get fixed and this time I get a call from an AppleCare minion. Was this a call to apologize for not actually fixing the computer the last time it was in for service? Read on and find out.

Me: Hello
AppleCare Dude: Chris Seibold please
Me: Yup
Appleare Dude: We have your computer and it appears the airport cable is frayed and that’s not covered under warranty. We can fix it at a cost of 400 dollars.

Commentary: Yes, I know the cable is frayed. It’s one of the reasons I sent it in. In fact it’s one of the things AppleCare didn’t fix last time. I believe the fraying may happened during an earlier repair but I am not certain. End Commentary

Me: 400 dollars? (becoming testy, I try hard not to lose my temper but sometimes..) Look, the thing is that this computer has been if for repair four times before this. Every time I call I have to troubleshoot the thing which means pulling out the memory. This means I have pull out the airport card. I’m sure the cable is up to being moved once or twice but…
AppleCare Dude: So you’re saying that the cable is frayed because of troubleshooting?
Me: Well yeah (though I should’ve noted that it was equally likely Apple did the damage)
AppleCare Dude: Okay, I’ll issue an override and we’ll go ahead and repair it, I just wanted to call and get your side of the story. You should have it back by Monday.
Me: Thanks

What a freakin’ hassle, honestly are there people out there fraying the airport cable intentionally? How do you abuse something under the stupid keyboard? I can see Apple’s position of not wanting to fix stuff out of owner stupidity, like when I snapped the power adapter off in the charging port (note: didn’t call Apple about that, just took to my local mac fix it place and paid) but isn’t this a little out of hand? I just hope the thing works when I get it back.

On an unrelated topic: If you’re in Knoxville TN, pick up this weeks issue of the MetroPulse, that’s me on page 48 (TechnoLog). Cool, my first “pay me” article.

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