Apple Inc is suggesting that iPod and iTunes users may want to wait on that Vista update. They claim that iTunes music software may not work well with the new Vista from rival Microsoft Corp. While Apple said it may work on some computers, they are aware of compatibility issues which could case, among other things, songs purchased on iTunes not being able to play, difficulty synchronizing contacts and calendars, and even the dreaded failure of iPods plugged into a Vista computer. Apple’s website does list steps that one can take to minimize the danger, but in general, Apple’s recommendation is to not upgrade.
OK, what is really going on here. Let me piss of a few f you who think Apple could do no wrong, but why did Apple wait so long to test on Vista? The beta has been out for many months. And is there really a major problem, or is this just a shot by Apple back at Microsoft? They are still rivals are they not? It is what I might do! Here is a great way to get PC users to possible switch, or at least, hold off on giving Microsoft any more money for a while.
PC users, this is a VERY good time to switch I say. A new Intel Mac and a copy of Parallels will give you an experience you will not believe, and keep all those old PC programs running as well. But I digress….
Microsoft said they do not think there is a problem, but then again, what would they now, and why would they start telling us about Windows problems now anyway? They are working on the problem, albeit a bit slowly it seems. There is a large list of partners to Microsoft, Apple among them, that Microsoft wants to be sure their software is compatible with Vista. Hmmm, if they wanted to be sure, why make such drastic changes in the file system, programmer’s interface, document handling….OK, I digress again!
But back to the question at hand. Is this a ploy by Apple to get people to question their upgrade and maybe switch? I would not put it past any company to take hold of such an opportunity and exploit it, even our beloved Apple. Any PC users out there using iTunes on Vista having any problems? Or is it too soon to tell, because you still can’t get that Vista upgrade to boot completely and run everything else?
OK, this is too easy, like shooting fish in a…oh, never mind. After all, according to Bill Gates, only Microsoft really knows how to design quality software, so how could anything possibly go wrong…go wrong…go wrong….go…….
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