Apple, U2, and LOST

I was chatting the other day with another MyMac’er, and we both agreed that U2 is a really good band, but MAN we were sick of hearing that Vertigo song of theirs in the iPod commercial. I kept thinking, “If U2 is such a huge, popular band, why are they pimping their new album this much?”

So anyway, I was sick of the song. True, the iPod ad only showcased a few seconds of the song, but the “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” repetitive vocals were starting to grate on my last nerve.

So U2 releases their How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb last week, and it seems that within days, I no longer hear that song every time I change the television channel. And then a funny thing happened: I sorta started to miss the song. I suck and hate myself sometimes.

So later on, I drop in on the iTunes Music Store. Yeah, you guessed it; I purchased the new U2 album. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


I have liked U2 for years and years. I still think that The Joshua Tree is their best album, and it also rates within my top five best albums of all time. It is simply a work of art, that album. And while U2 has released a few other good songs since, none has come close, not even a little, to The Joshua Tree.

How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb does not, either. But honestly? I think it is their second best album, ever. There are some REALLY good songs on this album. Miracle Drug, the second track, could actually BE on The Joshua Tree album, which for me is REALLY saying something.

Okay, so who else is watching the ABC show “Lost”? Wow, now THIS is what broadcast TV should aspire to be. How the writers and producers has crafted such a great show, based on characters very believable, in today’s post Wardrobe Malfunction FCC Clamp-Down Reality TV Bland Crap world is beyond me.

For those who have not seen it yet, the show is about an airliner that goes down on a flight from Australia to America; crashes on a deserted island, and a bunch of people survive. Not all, as the first few episodes demonstrates very well.

The island is not what it seems to be. Lost mixes mystery, love, hate, violence, the super natural, and more into what has become my favorite show currently on TV. It is really, really fantastic. The people are real, as each episode usually focuses on one person or couple, showing what their life was like before boarding the fateful flight. This is inner cut with the current storyline, their current predicament, and their interaction with their fellow survivors.

It is difficult to convey how well this show is done. Just remember, ABC and LOST on Wednesday. You won’t be disappointed, nor is it too late to jump on watching this show.

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