When i bought my MacBook a couple of years ago John Nemo suggested get Apple Care’s extended warranty. I took his advice, and I’m glad I did.
Two days ago I took the ‘Book into the Apple Store to fix the piping separating and breaking away from where the top and sides of the laptop come together.
I was greeted at the door by the concierge, Sam Mason. I told him the problem. He asked me if I had an appointment. No, I didn’t. He quietly and respectfully explained that the repairs were run like a doctor’s office, with appointments. He said he’d check to see if I could be taken today. i explained that I was from Hendersonville, about 25 miles away, and would appreciate it if I didn’t have to drive back just to leave the computer. He nodded and was gone to the back.
He came back and told me to stick around, that they’ll call my name in 15 or 20 minutes. I thanked him and looked around at some of the go-fasters they have there. It took about 5 minutes…ARTHUR ALINIKOFF…and I was talking to the tech, Matt Storey. He said he’d check to see if he had the part. He did and said it might be tomorrow before he could have it. Okay, that was fine with me. We did the paper work and I was gone, to the new Mac AIr display when another guy came over to ask me if I had any questions. We spent the next 15 minutes going over some of the functions of the Air. He was very gracious and patient, only too happy to demo some of the new features. I thanked him and left.
That afternoon I got a call that it was ready. I couldn’t pick it up until the next day. They had replaced and fixed not only the piping, but the entire keyboard and track pad. It looks like new. It cost me, ta da…0. That’s right. Nada. Nothing. Zip. Zilch.
Now THAT”S service. Thanks Apple. And thanks to all those at the Green Hills Mall Apple Store.
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