Apple Sez ‘No Apple TV For You’

“Apple VP: No current plans for TiVo-like Mac mini THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006

Despite earlier assertions from other publications, Apple Computer is currently not interested in releasing a version of its Mac mini with digital video recording (DVR) capabilities, a high level company executive explained on Thursday.

Commenting on the company’s new Intel-based Mac mini to USA Today’s Jefferson Graham, Apple Senior Vice Present of Worldwide Marketing, Philip Schiller, squashed rumors of a Mac mini with built-in DVR capabilities.

Adding video recording functionality would have made the Mac mini too complicated, Schiller told the publication. “We’re not trying to replace the TiVo,” he said. “This is about taking the media from your computer and accessing it via the TV.” – Source: Appleinsider


If this is true, Apple has given up the living room to other companies, and there will not be one media company who can integrate it all into one world-class, killer product.

Others have said that Apple has painted itself into a corner, considering that it sells TV content on iTunes. (Apple currently offers partial Pixar, Disney and NBC content on iTunes) Therefore, logically, Apple will never offer free Network content to compete with what it sells on iTunes.

Apple is really betting on everyone getting their television content from iTunes, and that they will abandon cable, HBO, and Network television. To them, the future of the living room content is on the Internet.

Does anyone else believe this to be true?

Then, there is the attitude of that Apple exec, Philip Schiller who made this little speech yesterday. Where did Apple get him from, Microsoft?

HEY, Philip! Of course it is hard and complicated (putting TIVO features on the Mac mini). You don’t do things because they are easy. You do them because they are hard to do, and thus, worthwhile. Suppose Apple had that attitude about the iPod. Does anyone think it would be the world beater it is, if it wasn’t complicated to design and build?


Until Apple offers us a computer that has a cable or antenna hookup on the back of their Media device, and a flawless television surfing interface, they will only be another marginal, wannabe player in the living room.

Sorry. Right now, I am not giving up my TIVO for the new Mac mini. I have an excellent interface with my cable contents, my movies and CDs already. Plus, I have everything Apple iLife offers, sitting here with my iBook, surfing the Net, answering my emails, in my den, while watching the latest NCIS episode that the TIVO hard drive recorded for me.

Come to think of it, if my TV could give me all of that, I could only do one of these things at a time (surf or watch TV). That would be a step backwards, right?


Roger Born
“Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana”

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