Apple is alive and well

I just got back from my local Apple Store and I am happy to report that it is thriving. I’ve actually been there several times in the past month with an iPod that needed repair and now my iMac.

Each time I’ve gone the store has been filled with people. It didn’t matter the day of the week, or the time of day, the place was busy. Today was no exception. This Apple Store is one of the smaller ones, and it must have had 30 people or more in the store. No clear path to move around anywhere.

As a person who frequented this Apple Store when it first opened and was less busy, I have mixed feelings about what I have seen. I’m thrilled that the store (and I am assuming others) is thriving. However, I now only go to the Apple Store if I have to, because I can’t stand the crowd. I also can’t stand the person greeting you at the door ready to instantly sell you something.

While I was there I played with the MacBook Air and I really like it. The thing is lighter than I expected. It is REALLY light. I also liked the new trackpad controls (pinching, rotating, etc.). It worked perfectly, and I hope Apple ads that functionality to all the MacBooks.

So, I’ll be back at the Apple Store in a few days to experience this phenomena all over again, and hopefully pick up a repaired iMac.

What are the Apple Stores in your area like? Leave your comments below.

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