Elisa and Vicki break down the Apple Event, which left both of them feeling meh.
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Some of the things they do make me feel meh, but still I’m excited. I’m excited about the Airpods, and while it’s usually good to have a headphone jack, losing that old 3.5 mm port is good long-term because it will encourage more Bluetooth use, and a small adapter will be available for the old headphones. The double camera with a true 2x optical “zoom” (i.e. 60 mm equiv.) is a great breakthrough, even though it’s for the bigger phone. The only serious concern I have for the forward progress of tech with Apple and other companies has to do with control of the Internet, rather than hardware issues.
Thanks for your comments. I agree that the headphone jack is no biggie and I love the camera. I look forward to seeing how Homekit progresses in the Internet of Things sector. This is really promising.
Vicki Stokes