Apple has sent MobileMe subscribers an email apologizing for the problems encountered switching over from .Mac.
“Although core services such as Mail, iDisk, Sync, Back to My Mac, and Gallery went relatively smoothly, the new MobileMe web applications had lots of problems initially,” the letter stated.
On top of that, they apologized for playing fast and loose with the use of the term “Push,” since it doesn’t really push . . . it sucks (by taking “up to” fifteen minutes to propagate to your devices). So instead of making it work as promised — they’ll solve the problem by not using the word “push.”
To apologize, Apple is giving a free month to their MobileMe subscribers. This is a good thing and I accept their apology.
I have been a .Mac user since it was iTools (and free). I can usually find a bargain during the year and wind up paying less than the normal $99. I have no desire to stop using my prestige “” address, and consider the benefits of membership to be worth the price.
To be fair, I have found dot Mac to be extremely dependable with very little downtime. I don’t begrudge Apple the switchover glitch.
But it’s still nice to get their apology and a free month.
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