In the past few months I have dealt with an Applecare rep, a Canon customer support rep, and most recently a Nintendo support rep. All three experiences were great. The person on the phone was friendly and knowledgeable all three times, and all three helped me with my issue.
Nintendo, however, surprised me with a bonus.
Let me back track. I was having problems with my Wii system and I called Nintendo support. In the end, I had to send the unit in for repair. It was still under warranty so there was no cost, and Nintendo covered the shipping. All of this is typical, or what I would expect.
Here’s the bonus that Apple and other companies need to pay attention to and follow. Since my system needed repair, my warranty has now been extended an additonal year from the date of the repair! Yes, I said an additonal year of warranty coverage for free!
My warranty was about to expire, so this was welcome information to me.
Bravo to Nintendo.
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