Answering a Reader.

Folks, reader Phoebe Black recently wrote to me, regarding a piece I wrote back in June of last year. Below is Phoebe’s letter, and my response.

Hey! I read your article while attempting to do some research. When I was a little girl, I remember going into a store in our town circle – not square – we have a circle and playboy and penthouse mags were displayed from the inside of a brown paper bag. I thought it one was a book about bunnies – hey, I was right! Anywho – these were for anyone whose money was green, but covered so as not to offend the “ladies” Okay, that’s cool….Now, being a woman and a mother I say to each his own. I’ve read Playboy – was never much into penthouse. Of course, I never posted pics of george clooney without his shirt either…But the articles (of Playboy) intrigued me and still do. I’ve even got a collector’s addition displayed behind glass in my bedroom. My husband has stacks full from his teenage years HAHA And that reminds me – hell, yes I’m offended my those tiny lil chicks on the excercise mags. Frankly, I think it promotes anorexia, bulemia, and the use of steroids. I certainly don’t want my children looking at those bony figures and thinking that somethings wrong with them. My four year old commited a panty raid on my personal drawers. Why you ask? Spongebob and Mr. Krabs did it on TV. Ok no ore spongebob but that doesn’t mean it should come off the air – it just means that until she’s old enough to realize the difference in TV and Reality…..So what is goin on with Wal-Mart now? I heard a story yesterday that my mother in law was unable to buy a watermelon, plastic gladware containers, and a tin rooster for a potted plant until 1:30pm but she could buy her dog’s food.  And all the information that the cashier was able to divulge was that there are blu laws that prohibit the selling of the rest of them items and more besides. You and I probably would have demanded an explanation – our last names are the same and therefore we must think alike! But she walked out with only her dog food just to return later…So I’m looking into it but apparently don’t know where to look. I’ve read on censorship and some other absolutely ridiculous laws – here’s one for you. In South Carolina, it’s legal for a husband to beat his wife on the courthouse steps at five thirty on a Sunday if he – the husband – deems it necessary. Whoever wrote that law must have bootlegged the liquor becasue he couldn’t have bought it from CVS or WAl-Mart, right? And what’s up with the Glamour magazine displaying ten secrets to better sex tonight? Where is it located you might want to know? Right next to Nickelodeon magazine. On the other side? A national inquirer with anorexic Mary-Kate who could also be addicted to cocaine. Hmmmm. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. What the heck is this world coming to?????? So if you have any info please get back with me.  Thanks Phoebe!

Hi Phoebe, thanks for reading and writing. The present policy of CVS, Inc. has be stumped. At this moment, in their magazine racks, are row upon row of titles such as Maxim, FHM, King, and a bevy of others. Below that, are all the women’s exercise magazines. One of these had a cover story, telling readers “why you MUST lose weight!” The word “must” was in a very bold type face. I don’t remember what magazine it was. “Shape” perhaps. The various computer mags were relagated to a very out-of-the-way back shelf. You have to look hard to find a copy of Newsweek. And yet, to this day, CVS will not stock such titles as Playboy, which, as you stated, always had great articles, by leading writers. (Yes, I read the articles in Playboy, after I was finished looking at the pictures. I have not bought a copy for years though. At over six bucks, it’s just too much, and someone needs to tell Mr. Hefner that there other women on the planet besides clones of Pam Anderson.)

On shopping at Walmart: Most regular readers already know my attitude toward this company. Being a card-carrying member of a union, I will not enter a Walmart. It’s not open to discussion. I would urge you and everyone else to download and read this report, (PDF Format) from the office of congressman George Miller. It’s a very well-written, well documented report. After reading this report, think about just what those “always low prices” are really costing every American.

As for your question, “What is this world coming to?”, keep reading these blogs. I’be posting something this week, and I’m not going to be kind.

The Link.

Bruce B.

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