Another keynote=more money in my wallet

For two years in a row Steve has introduced some cool things at Macworld, but nothing I would buy. Here’s my take on the products introduced at the keynote (in no meaningful order).

The MacBook Air- Very cool. Too much money for my budget. I’d rather see something with a screen half that size and under $1000. That is ultraportable in my mind.

Time Capsule- Again, nice product. I have no use for it, and an external drive is a lot cheaper.

I don’t have an iPhone or an iPod Touch, so those upgrade don’t mean much for me. However, I think the $20 upgrade price for the touch is ridiculous. That said, if I had a Touch I’d pay for the upgrade.

AppleTV- The new features are great, but I will hold out for DVR.

The one thing I am excited about is the rentals in iTunes. It is about time. I only see myself using the rentals on long trips, but I would use it. For renting movies at home, I’ll go around the corner to Redbox and pay $1 a night.

So that is my take on the announcements. Apple won’t be getting my money today. Will they be getting yours?

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