Another Hands-On Intel Intel iMac Experience

I made a trip to my local Apple Store today to do some iPod research. I’m thinking about getting the new iPod, and wanted to check them out. I had to research the important stuff like what color I should get, black or white.

While I was there I checked out the new iMac. I must say, I wasn’t as impressed as I thought I would be. To tell you the truth, I was a little disappointed. Maybe my expectations were too high from all the articles I have been reading, but I didn’t notice this major speed increase that everyone is talking about. Yeah, it was fast. However, it was not knock my socks off kind of fast.

While on the new machine, I tried out the new iPhoto. Again, not as impressed as I thought I would be. The new features are nice. I like the full screen mode, and how you see the title of your film rolls as you scroll through the library. However, the new features were not impressive enough for me to say “I have to have this.” I don’t use iMovie or iDVD, and I occasionally use Garageband, so I didn’t look at them. I wanted to check out iWeb, but I didn’t have time.

There wasn’t too much non-Apple software on the machine. There was Office, and I tried that. Worked like it does now. I was really hoping Photoshop would be on one of the machines, so people could see how that runs. I guess Apple isn’t allowing that, since none of the machines I checked out had it installed.

So in summary, the trip to the Apple store helped me put off getting a new computer for a little while. I also learned that I can wait for the new machine to get iLife ’06. Might even be ’07 by then.

Oh, and the iPod? I think I’m going with the white one. The black showed fingerprints a lot more than the white, and I’ve been told scratches are a lot more visible on the black. As for the video- gorgeous! You may think you need a bigger screen, but you really don’t.

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