We never did put the lights on the tree. I was annoyed with my husband, who claimed to know where they were hiding. However, just when I was complaining that our home was completely devoid of Christmas atmosphere, a number of angels invaded the house. If you keep very quiet, you’ll probably hear them singing … hmmm, they seem to be singing in Hebrew. Oh well.
I took photos of the angels, and I’d pass them on to John to accommodate on his website, but I don’t want to disturb John because I happen to know he’s fully occupied with the lovely Kathy. So you’ll all have to wait. It’s alright though … I’m pretty sure these angels intend to hang around till next Christmas.
Christmas Day was SO hot, and the threatened storms didn’t come. We managed to force ourselves to eat, nonetheless. King prawns, smoked salmon, a variety of roast meats, and a wide assortment of salads. Following that, a truly splendid tiramisu and plum pudding with custard and ice cream and thick cream, with the nectarines in between to ‘cleanse the palate’.
The others went in the pool afterwards, but I knew I’d sink, so I lay in the shade of the trees instead and let the children splash me.
Two days later we don’t seem to have made much of an impression on the cherries and peaches, remaining nectarines and strawberries – even though I seem to be eating them constantly. This morning for breakfast I made a delectable smoothie with peaches and strawberries and apple juice with just a touch of lemon. It makes me feel virtuous eating all this fruit instead of sweets.
The most important decision I have to make today is whether to see ‘Master and Commander’ or ‘Lord of the Rings’. Perhaps the former. The queue will be too long for LOTR. It can wait till the hulabaloo dies down.
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