Always !! have your camera handy. Here is a brief photo essay to illustrate why you need to have your camera ready for action. Captions are below the pictures.
In an extremely rare convergence of automobile numerology, my Toyota Camry’s total mileage reached 123,456 at the same moment its trip odometer turned to 222.2. I stopped the car at the side of the road, took the photo, and forgot about it until we sold the car a couple of years later *and* I happened to be clearing out the storage card on that camera, which had not been used since the odometer photo.
Camera in the kitchen? Here’s a BEFORE (or “during cooking”) image of my french toast a few weeks ago.
Cousin Jim Nemo picked me up after the final day of Macworld Expo San Francisco 2008, with a trunkload of original iMacs. Long may they thrive.
This one speaks for itself: an ageless love affair.
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