I am alone.
There are no more people like me – rational, discrete – still able to think.
I am not even sure how or when this happened.
But I began to notice everyone around me was somehow different.
I began to chat about this, with a few of my good Mac friends online.
I told them I thought everyone around me, everyone I knew, were becoming Zombies.
They asked me what I meant. Were people becoming flesh-eaters? Were they rising from graveyards and attacking people?
No, I said, nothing so blaze’ or stupid. It is because they are all doing irrational, thoughtless things.
What things, they asked?
They all buy whatever is told to them to buy on television. They all are going into terrible credit debt to do so.
More than this, they believe whatever the newspeople tell them, and even believe whatever our government says, without question.
Worst of all, I said, they all seem to elevate and worship people with no talent whatsoever.
How can all our people do this? It is like they have lost the abilty to think.
But soon I got no answer from my few friends on the web. It is as if they too have become Zombies.
Which is why I am now alone.
I used to think all these people must be Republicans, but I have begun to find that this affliction is affecting millions of Democrats too, so this could not be some politically motivated pandemic, which has been cast upon us all.
Are there any of you still out there? People who possess their own thoughts, and do not do and think what they are told? Do any of you still exist, who are still masters of your finances and fortunes?
I tell you, if you still exist – it is terrible to be alone, to be the last of your kind to succumb.
What do you think, if you are real?
– Do you see everyone going along with horrific and dishonorable happenings in government, without so much as a stir of patriotism or a cry of alarm? (Oh, there seem to be a few cries, but they are as the mewings of kittens – insipid, and without any fight, fire or desire!)
– Do you watch your friends and neighbors continue to buy, buy, buy, regardless of all the signs of warning of a coming world-shaking impending economic crash?
-Do any of you still cringe over Maddona, Britney or Sanjaya?
Can anyone hear me?
Is there anyone out there still capable of responding?
All you Zombies out there –
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