Ah Yes, Monday …

I seem to have very little to say at the moment. Haven’t turned out a GRACK! column yet, either. No doubt this all has to do with issues hinted at below or the fact that I’m selling the furniture.

They say things are darkest just before the dawn, which is something fervently to be hoped, since when it comes to GWB and the state of the world, we seem to be entering only deeper and more extra-dimensional layers of darkness. Almost impossible to believe, the corruption and mendacity in the government, media, business, finance, and banking worlds extends across all other areas of human endeavor. Besides that, I dropped a chunk of firewood on my toe and the damn nail’s turned purple.

My horoscope for today says “Many things are prevented from entering people’s lives because they are too tense to let them in,” which makes perfect sense, and that my attitude of relaxation and willingness to let my life flow without the tension of resistance will attract good things. That’s why I decided to do the darkness dump and get it out of the way. After posting this, I’m going to put on fresh clothes, spiff myself up, and sit calmly for as long as I can stand it, doing nothing, to let the rest of the tensions seep out of my body. (Then I’m going to jump off a bridge, hahaha. Kidding! Just kidding!!)


The fact is that I’m really in the business of concentrating on other happier realities at the moment. Life orders itself according to belief systems, which accounts in large measure for the what I mention in that first paragraph. Not circumstances which reflect MY beliefs one iota, dammit, this being the most obvious reason why we have to get off the national Train to Hell and start thinking for ourselves.

Anyway, I have more stuff to sell. A well-used but still glorious soul-soaked Gibson ES-335 semi-hollow body electric 12-string and an actual Fender Twin Reverb amp, to be precise. Neither of these is in pristine museum-quality condition because of the “well-used” part, you understand, but everything works. For them and the hutch, you’ll have to come to Taos to pick ’em up, but don’t worry: you can still drive here, spend a few days, and head safely back for home without ever having your mind permanently blown. Even a few weeks wouldn’t do it.

Stay longer than a month, though, and you’re in big trouble.

[Also posted at FarrFeed. Go see!]

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